This Advent, we’ll journey with the theme “Wonder” as an invitation to experience the Christmas story in new ways. Inspired by the “The Little Drummer Boy” lyrics of “Do you hear what I hear? Do you see what I see,” we’ll imagine the experiences of key figures in the story of Jesus’ birth as we embrace the Wonder of God’s hope, peace, joy, and love.
To deepen our prayerful experience this Advent season, we invite the community to use our Advent Reflection Guide, “Imagining Advent” available in the Commons and HERE online.
First Weekend of Advent: HOPE
We’ll focus on the words of Isaiah and wonder what made Isaiah so happy and hopeful.
Second Weekend of Advent: PEACE
We’ll focus on the angels, wondering what they were thinking when God told them to tell the shepherds first of Jesus’ birth.
Third Weekend of Advent: JOY—Children’s Musical
“The Christmas Express: Finding Joy in the Journey” (All Worship Hours)
“All aboard! Every Christmas Eve the passengers on the Christmas Express make the journey to Bethlehem, Pennsylvania to celebrate the birth of Christ with a grand pageant. The question is, who will God choose to ride the train on this special night, and what kind of adventure will unfold?”
Fourth Weekend of Advent: LOVE
We’ll focus on the shepherds, wondering what they felt as they made their way to Bethlehem to see the baby Jesus who would save the world.
Christmas Eve & Day
In our Christmas Eve & Day worship, we will imagine the thoughts of Mary and Joseph, as they wonder what just happened and who this baby is.