Below are the names of those we pray for this week.
If you have a prayer request, please fill out the form here: www.nativitychurch.org/prayer-request/, or call (612) 781-2766.
The following names were correct as of May 24, 2024:
Prayers of Healing for:
Lloyd Nelson, Dawn Pape, P. J. Tombarge, Dean Affeldt, Barry Father, Eunice Fellowes, Ashley Johnson, Robin Przepiora, Kim Morelli, Jace Blanchard, Gloria Janousek, Michelle Walbon, Jim Griffin, Ardy Voss, Eric Hinkle, Sue Sorenson, Jim Anderson, Margaret Bauman, Alan Amundson, Marilyn Engstrom, Audrey Lazarus, Marilyn Williams, Pat Hall, Deb Williamson, Becky Schmalke, Steve Parrott, Bette Widmark, Julie Isaacson, David Demco, Patty McGuire, Lynette Thompson, Shirley Olsen, Carolyn F. Rehmann, Sue Holten, Gary Kimball, Jim McDonald, Ray Wolf, Sharon Damsgard, Bill Sausser, Sonia Hoversten, Michael Forsberg, Sheldon Christenson, Joel Setterholm, Paul Nielsen, Sue Lyon.
Prayers of Serenity for Those in the Twilight of Life in Transition to Eternal Life:
Joe Mann
Prayers of Comfort for Those Who Grieve:
For the family and friends of those who have recently died, those who are grieving the death of Al Draves, John Johnson, Ken Merwin, Linnea Tedlund, and for the family and friends of those whose loved ones have died during the coming week in years past, including Duane Lindberg.
Prayers of Those Expecting the Arrival of a Child:
Molly & Tony Tillman
Dakota Passariello & Andrew Larson
Holly & Jason Dayton
John & Elizabeth Higgens
Mackenzie & Allen Scherchligt
Prayers of Thanksgiving for the Arrival of a Child:
Paislee Mae Anderson to Baylee Harlin & Logan Anderson 5/4/24
Everett Theodore to Shauna & Robert O’Brien 5/5/24
Hannah Marie to Sarah Lofgren & Jacob Burkman 3/26/24
Henry Thomas Denardo-Taylor to Hannah & Jarred Denardo Taylor
Prayers for Those Recently or Soon to be Baptized:
Davie Jane Lively Wollan, daughter of Chet Wollan & Candace Lively 12/18/23
Pierce Higgins, son of John & Elizabeth 12/31/23
Sema Korman, daughter of Ashley Mhyran Korman 5/11/24
Josephine Malynn Kirchner, daughter of Kaitlyn & Ethan 5/19/24
Elsa Kylie Whittemore, daughter of Christine & Don Whittemore TBD
Prayers for Those Recently or Soon to Be Married:
Steve Karschnia & Isabel Kleinschmidt Garcia 6/1/24
Rachel Olson & Nick Kasel 6/8/24
Shannon Dean & Noah Burke 9/28/24
Emily Onken & Nicholas Steen 10/19/24
Prayers for Those Celebrating Anniversaries of Relationship:
Kristin & Tyler Winsky 15 years
Lee & Nikki Sprouls 15 years
Fabian & Lisa Roers 25 years
Gary & Susan Holmgren 45 years