Earth Day is April 22, a time to reflect on how we can help reduce the tremendous challenges facing our natural world. Nativity is planning opportunities for families and youth to help create critical habitat here on church grounds. We received a Hennepin County Tree Canopy grant and an Eberline Family Endowment grant to continue our work of transitioning to a more sustainable landscape. We have several projects planned for this summer:
1) Remove two ash trees and plant new flowering trees to support birds, bees, and butterflies;
2) Plant native shrubs, grasses, and plants on our steep north hillside to stabilize the hill and create habitat for bees and butterflies;
3) Plant a “bee lawn” on the hill near the air conditioning units;
4) Plant a row of shrubs near the main turn-in to create a natural windbreak and create habitat for birds;
5) Plant a “bee lawn” around our vegetable gardens to attract pollinators and improve our harvest yields for Little Kitchen Food Shelf;
6) Plant a row of shrubs near the shed to create habitat for birds and a natural screening to be respectful of our neighbor’s privacy.
We will need your help to get all this work done! If you would like to join us in our effort to care for creation with these projects, please sign up by May 15, and we will contact you when the specific gardening dates are established. You can indicate your interest on the tear-off sheet of the News to Note this weekend, by signing up at the Green Team table after worship, or by contacting Lona Doolan at mill0682@umn.edu