Hello Nativity Families,
As, what will prove to be, an extremely abnormal summer approaches, I wanted to write you all and give an update regarding summer children and youth programs at Nativity.
Summer Faith Formation, like Faith Formation during the program year, will be offered on our website as digital lessons. These lessons will be posted on a weekly basis. This online format may change throughout the summer depending on the leadership decisions of the Children’s Faith Formation team; though it will remain a digital experience.
All summer programs taking place in the month of June are either cancelled, postponed, or will move to an online experience. If you haven’t already heard from the leaders of these events as to what that means for any specific program, you’ll be hearing from them in the near future.
This will likely also be the case for Summer Programs in July and August, and it is my recommendation you plan on this being the case at this time. The final decisions on these programs will be communicated to you in a timely manner once the landscape of those later summer moths is better solidified.
Know that we will not hold any physical children/youth events against the instruction of the Minnesota Department of Health, Governor Walz, and/or the confidence of Nativity Leadership that its right. Also know that I AM NOT speaking on behalf of Luther Park. The camp will make its own decisions regarding this summer and will inform those families who had kids signed up for programs in the near future.
My prayers are with all of you as you grieve the loss of summer programs and events. We grieve with you. Yet I take hope in the fact that the sacrifices we’re making are making a difference (we are slowly flattening the curve) and I take hope in the Easter promise of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. I see that promise, and experience that hope, everyday and I pray you do too.
Peace & Blessings,
Ben Schori
Associate Pastor
Nativity Lutheran Church
3312 Silver Lake Rd
St Anthony, MN 55418
612-781-2766 x1010