Spring Family Faith Formation – April 14
Join us this Eastertide season & celebrate the new life in Jesus together!
Pick from watching our Welcome Videos, Worship Together, Reading the Bible, Talk About It, Family Activities, Pray Together and Bless Each Other – or do them all!
Welcome Videos
Start with a Welcome Video from Miss Leah
Worship Together
Share in some faith practices of worship together!
Shine a Light: Light a candle and say, “Jesus is the light of the world. His light shines in me, and it shines in you.”
Sing Together: What “gives you life”? These answers can be literal (water, food, sunshine) or things that you enjoy and are thankful for (gardening, video games, Saturdays). Sing Thank You God For Giving Us Life.
Pray: Say the Lord’s Prayer together.
Make an Offering: How can you make an offering today? (April is care for the earth/environment month.)
Read the Bible Together
Talk About It!
Ascension: Last week we talked briefly about Jesus ascending into Heaven. What does ascend mean? How do you imagine Jesus ascending to Heaven? After Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension, his disciples were sent out into the world to continue Jesus’ ministry. This involved teaching people about the kingdom of God and Jesus’ love for us. This also involved healing. Today’s story is about Peter healing a man who couldn’t walk.
Acts of the Apostles: In addition to healing, in miraculous stories like this one, the followers of Jesus had 4 very important jobs: teaching, sharing, breaking bread, and praying together. Are you a follower of Jesus? Do you do all 4 of these jobs? How can you do these jobs?
Digging Deeper (great topics for Upper Elementary): Why are there so many miracles in the Bible? What do you think? The many miracles in the Bible are clustered around the great leaders entrusted by God (Moses, Elijah, and ultimately Jesus) to bring God’s message to the world. There were plenty of normal days during biblical times, too! Do miracles still happen today? What do you think?
Family Activity Choices
Pick activities to do together!
Activity: Sitting Volleyball Play a game of volleyball (or keep the balloon up in the air) while sitting on the floor. This is a sport played in the Paralympics, a competition where the athletes have different types of disabilities. The sports are modified to meet the athletes’ needs, and they play at a high level. What are some of the challenges these athletes face in their everyday lives? How have they overcome challenges? Is that a miracle? You can watch a short video of Paralympic Sitting Volleyball here: Paralympic Sport A-Z: Sitting volleyball
Pray Together
“Dear God, Peter gave the man something better than money. He gave healing and hope. Bring healing and hope into our world. Help us see evidence of your presence in our lives. Amen.“
Bless Each Other
At the end of your time, give each other a special blessing to remember one of God’s promises.
It is still Eastertide – Say “He is Risen!” And reply “He is risen indeed! Alleluia!”