Spring Family Faith Formation – April 11
Join us each week as a family to celebrate the new life of spring with stories of new life Jesus brings!
Pick from watching our Welcome Videos, Worship Together, Reading the Bible, Talk About It, Family Activities, Pray Together and Bless Each Other – or do them all!
Welcome Videos
Start by picking a Welcome Video from Miss Karla for Grades 1-4
or Miss Renee for littles-Kindergartners or watch both!
Worship Together
Share in some faith practices of worship together!
Shine a Light: Light a candle or find a flashlight. Take turns saying, “Jesus shows the way.”
Sing Together:
Littles: Our Easter Song with new verse “There’s rain coming down in my soul Lord in my soul. Help me grow, help me grow. Thank you God, You help me grow!”
Grades 1-4: He came from heaven to earth to show the way. From the earth to the cross my debt to pay. From the cross to the grave, from the grave to the sky. Lord, I lift your name on high!
Make an Offering: How can you be an offering this week?
Read the Bible Together
Read this week’s God’s Great Story in the children’s Bible for you child’s age.
Spark Story Bible – Road to Emmaus pg 388
Bible – Luke 24:13-35
Talk About It!
Have fun asking question for all your family members!
Jesus is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia! Easter is the most wonderful story! Jesus loves us so much that he died for us. But God is stronger than death and Jesus rose again! We know that it’s true, but can you imagine being there and hearing someone say that a dead person came out of the tomb and was alive three days after being killed? I’m not sure I would believe it. Would you? That is what’s happening in our reading today. Two of Jesus’ friends are walking down the road wondering if the reports are true and Jesus is really alive again? Then Jesus joins them, walks with them and talks with them, but they don’t recognize him! Read your bible and find out how long it takes them to realize that the man is Jesus, risen from the grave!
Dig Deeper: Jesus’ friends didn’t even recognize him! Do you feel kind of blind sometimes? Maybe you are super focused on something and don’t notice what’s happening around you? Or maybe you get upset if you see someone else being mean or rude, but don’t recognize that you sound mean when you are angry? That can happen to all of us. We can be blind to our surroundings or let our strong feelings get in the way of our logic. That’s normal, but we can always ask God for help and wisdom as we grow and change!
Family Activity Choices
Pick activities to do together! Supplies are provided in our Monthly At-Home Kits you picked up at our drive thru events or ask to have delivered to your home.
Activity 1: Walking down the road to Emmaus: Use the paper from your kit and color the three people walking down the road and the town and surrounding scenery. Then cut on the straight line about 2/3 the way down on the scenery to make a slit. Cut out the people, attach them to a popsicle stick and insert the stick in the slit in the paper. Use the popsicle stick to move the people up and down the road.
Activity 2: Smooth or bumpy? Check-in with your family about their recent life journey. Ask each other how their road was last week. Was it smooth? Did several things go well? Or was it bumpy, slippery or full of pot-holes? Have you been having problems and hard times? Listen to each other’s stories and then remind each other that Jesus walks with us, no matter what stretch of road we are on!
Click HERE Family Activity Worksheets and Coloring Pages!
Pray Together
“Dear Jesus, help us remember that you are always walking with us. Thank you for letting us see a little bit of your love in the faces, the actions and the words of others. We love you! Amen.”
Bless Each Other
At the end of your time, give each other a special blessing to remember one of God’s promises.
Make a butterfly with your hands. Make it fly up and say, “Jesus is risen!”