The work of the Holy Spirit is an awesome mystery for us. Because of the way these spiritual gifts are given to us and manifested in individuals, it is better to provide a description rather than a narrow, one-size-fits-all definition. Like the spiritual gifts assessment, these descriptions are not definitive but paint a beautiful tapestry of the Holy Spirit at work in God’s people.


The spiritual gift that gives the receiver the confidence to step forward, give direction and provide motivation to fulfill a vision or complete a task in advancing ministry.

People with this gift are usually: influential, visionary, diligent, trustworthy, persuasive, sensitive, goal-setting.

Cautions for people with this gift: remembering that servant leadership is the biblical model, with the greatest leader being the servant of all; waiting for a “leadership position” to use this gift.

Biblical references: Romans 12:4–8, John 13:12– 17, Luke 22:24–26

“Spiritual Gifts Descriptions” appears in Gifts for You: Opening Your Spiritual Gifts. Copyright © 2011 Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Written by Valora K Starr. Used with permission.


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