Saturday, November 4, 8:30-4:00
First Lutheran Church
1555 40th Ave. NE
Columbia Heights, MN 55421
Women of the ELCA are celebrating their 35th year this fall, and we’re planning an inspiring and restorative retreat day. With programming around service, caregiving, welcoming immigrants, climate solutions, and fair trade, we’ll learn new ways for “Love in Action.” Minneapolis Area Synod Bishop Ann Svennungsen will be joining us to preside at our worship and deliver a powerful message that is sure to inspire and uplift us all.
We’ll also have opportunity for “Loving Ourselves” with offerings like bible study, yoga, healing touch ministry, and more. We even have childcare covered with a fun children’s day camp right at the event. We hope you’ll join us!
WELCA is an organization for all women in the ELCA synod. It includes women who gather in more than 4500 locations in the U.S. and the Caribbean for service, study, advocacy, fellowship and more! For more information, contact Karen Weiberg at karenknit10@yahoo.com.
Register for the Retreat HERE.