The Nativity Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Core Team is pleased to present this summation of the results of the RIC Survey, which was open to the congregation January 30 – February 13. We, the Core Team, were so pleased that 161 submissions of the survey were received and wish to express our gratitude to all who took the survey. We are also very encouraged by the overwhelming support communicated in the results. Here are some takeaways from the attached survey results we would like to highlight, and how we are responding to them.
88% of participants reported feeling “aware of Nativity’s participation in this process,” and 76% either agreed or strongly agreed that we “offered opportunities to the congregation for engaging in the RIC process.”
These numbers communicate to this Core Team that we have done well in communicating our presence and work and in giving the community opportunities to engage in this process.
93% of participants either support or strongly support Nativity’s “commitment to welcoming, including, and celebrating people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expression,” and 88% either support or strongly support “Nativity becoming an RIC Congregation.
These numbers, along with the rest of the data from the survey results, communicate to us that the congregation is ready to move into the final stages of our RIC process.
For a full report of survey results, please review this PDF BOOKLET.
We reviewed survey comments and concerns that focused on interpretation of scripture and wondering how Nativity will change after becoming an RIC congregation. The Core Team would like to address these themes by holding forums on the interpretation of scripture regarding sexuality and gender identity and how Nativity will be different/the same after becoming an RIC Congregation.
Given all this information, we the Nativity RIC Core Team will do the following:
The RIC Core Team will offer two forums open to the Nativity community.
March 19-20: A forum on the interpretation of scripture regarding sexuality and gender identity
March 26-27: A forum on how Nativity will be different/the same after becoming an RIC Congregation
Both forums will be held in the Fellowship Hall on Saturday at 6:30 p.m. and Sunday at 10:00 a.m. We will try to make online participation possible.
We will then prepare a RIC process report and recommendation, as well as a proposed inclusivity statement. These will be presented to the Nativity Council at their monthly meeting on April 19.
This will then conclude the work of this Core Team in leading Nativity through this RIC process, barring any further need the Council might have of us. However, the work of welcoming, including, celebrating, and advocating for LGBTQ+ people in the church will continue.
If you have any questions or comments for your RIC Core Team, please reach out to Pastor Ben at ben@nativitychurch.org.
With Gratitude,
The Nativity RIC Core Team