We are excited to finally return to indoor, in-person worship starting May 29th and 30th! Nativity’s mission conveys a core value that loving God means caring for neighbor. Nativity is committed to doing what is best for neighbors during this pandemic. We encourage people to be vaccinated, including children as they become eligible.
The Covid 19 virus continues to be a serious concern, especially the B.1.1.7 variant and the variants found in Brazil and South Africa. The high transmissibility of the variants, combined with the more intense infections, pose ongoing concerns.
Wearing masks, social distancing, washing hands and staying home when sick are strongly recommended to reduce the risk of transmission.
In-person worship services will be held at our regular times of Saturdays at 5:30 PM and Sundays at 8, 9 & 10:30 AM.
Worshippers will be socially distanced by households., and we discourage handshaking.
Since we will be masked, singing is permitted.
Rather than pass offering plates, you will be invited to place offerings in a receptacle at the doors of the worship space.
Communion will be offered with prepackaged bread and grape juice on the first and third weekends of each month at all worship hours.
We will not be gathering children up front for Time with Children. Faith formation for children will be offered three times per month outside in the West (largest) parking lot throughout the summer, and outdoor worship for families with young children will be offered once a . The West parking lot will be reserved for faith formation families on Sundays.
We encourage you to bring your own crayons and activities for your children because the Kid Zone activities in the Commons will not be available. Families may watch worship from the Commons while practicing social distancing.
We will not provide food hospitality in the building at this time.
People are encouraged to socialize outside the building. Mask-wearing and social distancing outside is up to individuals and their personal preferences. If you are unsure about others’ comfort levels, please ask.
In addition to face-to-face worship, Nativity will continue to offer virtual and streaming worship. All worship hours will be live-streamed. The 10:30worship will be archived online. To watch live stream please use the YouTube link available on our website.
Please remember that these practices and procedures may change as we review and adapt on a regular basis. For instance, if average weekly worship attendance for one of the worship hours falls below 40 people for one month, we will consider changing the worship schedule.
We look forward to worshipping together in person.