Each time a new president and administrative team are sworn in, we anticipate change, which can inspire a variety of feelings. Whatever your hopes or fears for our nation, we want to support you. If you’d like a listening ear, Nativity has four dedicated staff members committed to Pastoral Care. We also have a prayer room with spiritual resources for quiet contemplation. This room is available during church office hours.
To connect with pastoral care, please feel free to reach out to these Nativity staff members.
Pastor Glenn (gseefeldt@nativitychurch.org)
Deacon Kyle (kyle@nativitychurch.org)
Jan Frederickson, Visitation Minister (pfrederi@msn.com)
Pat Hendricks, Adult Faith Formation (bppat127@gmail.com)
We hold our community and our nation in prayer at this time. Nativity will always work toward a nation and a community for everyone, by everyone, holding Jesus and his teachings at the center.