May 2022 Congregational Survey


May 2022 Congregational Survey

Welcome to the congregational survey. This survey will help us discern where our energy as a faith community lies, what we need now as individual followers, and what God is calling us to in the future. We thank you for sharing your time and insight today. The survey takes about eight minutes. Everyone ages 14 […]


Nativity Is Now a RIC Congregation!

On Tuesday, May 17, Nativity Council passed the resolution that Nativity Lutheran Church become a Reconciling in Christ Congregation. We celebrate that Nativity is now a RIC Congregation, and we aspire to continue the work of welcoming, including, celebrating, and advocating for LGBTQIA+ people in this faith community and the greater church. Nativity Council President, […]


A 60-Day Journey toward Justice in a Culture of Gun Violence

These last three weeks have once again been a time of deep mourning and devastating horror for our nation. On Tuesday, 19 elementary school children and two teachers were murdered and 17 injured by a gunman at Uvalde, Texas, in the deadliest school shooting since the 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook. The previous week eleven […]


Join Us for the Children’s Musical!

The elementary children’s choir invites you to their musical performance of “CALLED” next Sunday, May 22, at 6:30 pm. What does it mean to be called by God? This musical affirms that God has placed something beautiful in everyone and is calling us to share it with the world. Written into the script is a […]


Spring Family Faith Formation – May 15

Spring Family Faith Formation – May 15 Join us each week as a family to celebrate Eastertide (the time between Easter & Pentecost)! Pick from watching our Welcome Videos, Worship Together, Reading the Bible, Talk About It, Family Activities, Pray Together and Bless Each Other – or do them all! Welcome Videos Start with a […]


Weekend Prayers – May 14-15, 2022

PRAY… Below are the names of those we pray for this week. If you have a prayer request, please fill out the form here:, or call 612.781.2766. The following names were correct as of May 13, 2022: Prayers of Healing for: Mark Williamson, Goldie Tabor, Bette Widmark, Ken Merwin, Kaley, Jenny, Jim Tchobanoff, Jason […]


“Fan Van” Fundraiser

Are you a Fan of Vans? Help the Nativity youth participating in Service & Learning Trips this summer raise funds to pay for the rental vans they’ll be traveling in across the country. We’re offering a few incentives to encourage generosity, including getting a postcard from the road written by one of our youth and […]


Graduation Blessings

Graduating from high school is an important milestone! One way that we celebrate our graduates is to share stories with our community. We’ll be creating a blog within our website to highlight the class of 2022. We’ll also celebrate students on our social media sites. For graduates to participate, please contact


Why Bike 120 Miles?

My name is Joe Williams, and on June 4-5, I will be riding in the 24th Annual Luther Park Bike-a-Thon. I am thrilled to be participating in this event. Every year, cyclists from local churches ride to provide scholarships for kids to experience Luther Park’s life-changing ministry. Cyclists raise money and then ride 120 miles […]


Guest Preacher: Pastor Ed Treat

As part of Mental Health Awareness Month, this weekend we welcome Pastor Ed Treat, Executive Director and Founder of the Center of Addiction & Faith. The Center of Addiction & Faith helps faith communities become places of welcome and healing for persons with addiction and those who love them. Pastor Treat will be available before […]