Sacred Sites Tour Announcement


Sacred Sites Tour Announcement

Nativity Lutheran Church and Richfield UMC are combining efforts to create understanding, learning, and dialogue between Native and non-Native peoples. Join us as we gather to immerse ourselves in Minnesota history from a Native perspective as we experience Dakota history, culture, and sacred sites through storytelling and are present to one another through silence/meditation/reflection and […]


Weekend Prayers – July 9-10, 2022

PRAY… Below are the names of those we pray for this week. If you have a prayer request, please fill out the form here:, or call 612.781.2766. The following names were correct as of July 8, 2022: Prayers of Healing for: Bob & Pat Meyer, Sandy Strum, Jim Drew, Pat Hall, Stan Nelson, Cathy […]


Summer Family Faith Formation – July 10

Summer Family Faith Formation – July 10 Join us each week for “Book Club” as we bring to life beloved children’s books and Bible stories! Pick from watching our Welcome Videos, Worship Together, Reading the Bible, Talk About It, Family Activities, Pray Together and Bless Each Other – or do them all! Worship Together Share […]


Congregational Survey Update

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Congregational Survey administered in May. We appreciate the time and thoughtfulness shared by our community as we look to the future together. We’ll be showing a video summarizing the survey results in weekend worship this month. You can also view the video by clicking the link below. […]


Summer Family Faith Formation – July 3

Summer Family Faith Formation – July 3 Happy 4th of July Weekend! Pick from watching our Welcome Videos, Worship Together, Reading the Bible, Talk About It, Family Activities, Pray Together and Bless Each Other – or do them all! Worship Together Share in some faith practices of worship together! Shine a Light: Use a glow […]


Weekend Prayers – July 2-3, 2022

PRAY… Below are the names of those we pray for this week. If you have a prayer request, please fill out the form here:, or call 612.781.2766. The following names were correct as of July 1, 2022: Prayers of Healing for: Sandy Strum, Jim Drew, Pat Hall, Stan Nelson, Cathy Jacobson, Tammy Roy, Alyssa, […]


Thank You, Middle Schoolers, for Making A Difference!

We’re grateful for another round of successful service and learning trips this summer—the first with our middle schoolers (25 students and 5 adults), who traveled to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and the second with our high schoolers (19 students, plus 5 adults), who left a week later for Nashville, Tennessee. Both groups had an amazing experience serving […]


Gratitude for a Wonderful High School Service & Learning Trip

We’re grateful for another round of successful service and learning trips this summer—the first with our middle schoolers (25 students and 5 adults), who traveled to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and the second with our high schoolers (19 students, plus 5 adults), who left a week later for Nashville, Tennessee. Both groups had an amazing experience, serving […]


Weekend Prayers – June 25-26, 2022

PRAY… Below are the names of those we pray for this week. If you have a prayer request, please fill out the form here:, or call 612.781.2766. The following names were correct as of June 24, 2022: Prayers of Healing for: Pat Hall, Stan Nelson, Cathy Jacobson, Tammy Roy, Alyssa, Kaley, Shirley Olson, Marlys […]


Summer Family Faith Formation – June 26

Summer Family Faith Formation – June 26 Join us each week for “Book Club” as we bring to life beloved children’s books and Bible stories! Pick from watching our Welcome Videos, Worship Together, Reading the Bible, Talk About It, Family Activities, Pray Together and Bless Each Other – or do them all! Worship Together Share […]