Thursday Morning Book Conversations Resume Sept. 8th


Thursday Morning Book Conversations Resume Sept. 8th

The Thursday Morning Book Conversations group will resume meetings beginning September 8th. We study contemporary books on topics that challenge and inform our life as followers of Jesus. September 8th we will be starting a new book: FREEING JESUS: REDISCOVERING JESUS AS FRIEND, TEACHER, SAVIOR, LORD, WAY, AND PRESENCE by Diana Butler Bass. We read […]


Justice Library Wish List!

Justice Library Book Drive We’re excited to begin a Community Advocacy Library at Nativity for ALL AGES! Books are the best tools we have to answer our big-hearted questions. They help inform us, teach us, and spur conversation. Check your shelves for new or gently used books. Become an Advocacy Book Sponsor, and we will […]


Coming Transition for Music Ministry

Dear Nativity Community, Today I’m sharing a message from our Director of Music Ministry, Bex Gaunt: “Today you heard me preach on the boldness and vulnerability of Ruth and the Canaanite Woman. I am leaning on the spirit of these women as I share some bittersweet news. This last week, I accepted an offer to […]


Growing through Loss Series Begins Sept. 15

Growing through Loss is a six-week series that provides information and support for a variety of grief situations. Each session begins with a presentation on some aspect of grief. Afterward, people are placed into support groups depending on their loss. This weekly series will begin on Thursday, September 15th from 6:45 to 9:00 pm at […]


Help Out at Safe House

Join us at Safe House from 9:00 am – 11:30 am on September 11, “God’s Work. Our Hands.” Sunday. We’ll clean inside the shelter and have fun together supporting teens who are experiencing homelessness. For those interested, we’ll carpool that day, leaving Nativity at 8:30 am and returning by 12:00 pm., when we’ll make a point […]


Saturday at Nine Book Group Resumes Sept. 10

Saturday at Nine: Conversation on Matters of Faith is a community of people who seek to grow in Christian love by looking at contemporary issues through the lens of compassionate faith. Where and in whom do we see God? What does the Gospel invite us into? By creating a safe space to consider these questions […]


Summer Family Faith Formation – Aug 28

Summer Family Faith Formation – Aug 28 Join us each week for “Book Club” as we bring to life beloved children’s books and Bible stories! Pick from watching our Welcome Videos, Worship Together, Reading the Bible, Talk About It, Family Activities, Pray Together and Bless Each Other – or do them all! Welcome Video Watch […]


Join the Beacon “Rent Is Due: Day of Action” Meeting

Beacon’s vision is that all people have a home. The pandemic and economic crisis have been building into an eviction crisis, which could add to the already large number of people experiencing unsheltered homelessness. We cannot let this happen, and home is the solution. We need Bring it Home, Minnesota, a rent support program that […]


A Vision for Home: A Conversation on Housing with Minnesota Gubernatorial Candidates

Minnesota is in a housing crisis that needs immediate and impactful action. The state of Minnesota and the Governor have a crucial leadership role in setting a bold vision forward. Groups, including Beacon, from across the entire housing continuum are sponsoring the event and we look forward to talking with candidates for Governor about their […]


Weekend Prayers – Aug 27-28, 2022

PRAY… Below are the names of those we pray for this week. If you have a prayer request, please fill out the form here:, or call 612.781.2766. The following names were correct as of Aug. 25, 2022: Prayers of Healing for: Betty Bordwell, Amy Kujawski, Evelyn Dahlke, Jim Geueke, Carol Calder, Christina King, Julie […]