Evening Ash Wednesday Worship ONLINE ONLY


Evening Ash Wednesday Worship ONLINE ONLY

Given the severity of the winter storm expected this week and the National Weather Service’s travel warnings, Nativity staff have chosen to make the following adjustments to our worship and activity schedule this week. Ash Wednesday Worship The 11:45 am Ash Wednesday worship will be held as scheduled. The lunch after that worship service is […]


Ash Wednesday for Families

Ash Wednesdays for Families – February 22 Join us for an interactive way to observe the tradition of Ash Wednesday as a family! (Note – use a washable marker in place of ashes shown in video.) Worship Together Share in some faith practices of worship together! Sing Together:  Jesus Loves Me (camp version and/or traditional) […]


Winter Family Faith Formation – Feb 19

Winter Family Faith Formation – Feb 19 Join us each week as well follow and celebrate the life of Jesus! Pick from watching our Welcome Videos, Worship Together, Reading the Bible, Talk About It, Family Activities, Pray Together and Bless Each Other – or do them all! Welcome Video Worship Together Share in some faith […]


Weekend Prayers – February 18-19, 2023

PRAY… Below are the names of those we pray for this week. If you have a prayer request, please fill out the form here: www.nativitychurch.org/prayer-request/, or call (612) 781-2766. The following names were correct as of February 17, 2023: Prayers of Healing for: Joel Setterholm, Sharon Wyberg, Goldie Taber, Jim Voytovich, Roland DeFeyter, Roger King, […]


Adult Faith Formation: Where Does Lent Come From?

Sunday, February 26 from 9:15-10:00 am | Fellowship Hall  Where does Lent come from? Why do we do it? What traditions have we developed? Join us for adult faith formation to hear some of the history, tradition, meaning, and opportunities for Lent. Deacon Kyle will share a deeper story of Lent and engage us in […]


Viewing Party: Oyate

February 19th – 2:00 pm | Nativity Nativity is hosting a film showing of Oyate (oyatefilm.com), a documentary on Standing Rock that includes conversation with producer Jen Martel. This is a community venture with representation from area churches and organizations: Lyndale UCC, Minnesota Interfaith Power and Light, Minnesota Council of Churches, Side with Love [Organization], […]


Ash Wednesday & Midweek Lenten Worship Schedule

Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent in the church year, is February 22nd. Join us for Ash Wednesday midday worship at 11:45 am with lunch to follow or the evening worship at 6:30 pm directly after the Wednesday Community Meal from 5:30-6:30 pm. The Imposition of Ashes will be offered as a part of worship. […]


Congregational Brainstorm for Supporting Mental Health Ministries

Nativity community members concerned about mental health—we want to hear from you! Gather with Nativity Mental Health Connect members on February 16, from 6:30-7:30 pm for a Congregational Brainstorm around how we can engage with mental health issues in meaningful ways and support well-being within and beyond the Nativity community. A similar meeting before the […]


February Is REJM Month!

Racial Equity & Justice (REJM) is a volunteer-led Nativity community group looking to pass on educational and advocacy opportunities with the aim of working towards eliminating racism. Its vision is racial equity and justice for all God’s children. We are also looking for new team members, including youth! Learn more by stopping at a REJM […]


Celebrate with Rainfall’s Valentine’s Concert at Nativity

Join us on Saturday, February 18, at 7:00 pm for Rainfall’s music of love, faith, and life, featuring original songs and others, including a sing-along! Rainfall’s (and Nativity’s) Mike Forsberg, Duane Johnson, and Lee Gilbertson join special guests Freda Myhrwold, Paige Buck, and Becca Williams in original gospel and more. Proceeds from a freewill offering […]