The Greatest Story Ever Told?


The Greatest Story Ever Told?

March 12th, 9:15-10:00 am | Fellowship Hall Are we reading the Gospels as a report, noticing the witnesses, remembering the order of events, but never getting curious enough to ask a question? The Gospels are works of art, masterful literature meant to engage our minds and hearts and to compel our response. We just need […]


Menu for Midweek Lenten Meals

Wednesdays in March, 12:30 pm and 5:30 pm | Nativity A lunch of soup, bread, fruit, dessert, and drink will be served in the Commons for $5.00 per meal. A dinner of soup, bread, salad, fruit, dessert, and drink will be served in the Fellowship Hall for $6.00/person or $20.00/family. March 8th – Beef Barley […]


Youth Milestone Ministry: Discover Communion

Discover Communion is an opportunity for families to learn alongside their child about the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Classes are designed for families with children in fifth grade but is also appropriate for children a year or two older/younger. Discover Communion classes have many hands-on learning experiences, including making a stole, bread making, and a […]


Meals on Wheels Drivers Needed!

Are you looking for a way to get out of the house or stretch your legs during your lunch hour? Would you like to serve others in a safe way during these COVID times? Consider becoming a Meals on Wheels driver through Nativity! Nativity drivers deliver meals 14 times throughout the year on Fridays, and […]


Join the Work to End Hunger

March is Hunger and Food Outreach Month at Nativity! Join us in celebrating our Hunger and Food Outreach ministries by continuing our long-standing commitment to end hunger here, near, and afar! If you’d like additional information about any of our activities or to volunteer for our Hunger and Food Ministries, you can indicate your interest […]


Join the Gifts and Passions Class

This year’s Lenten theme is “What’s Your Call Story?” Our namesake, Martin Luther, taught that everyone has a vocation. That is, everyone has been endowed with gifts and talents by God and called to important work in the home, church, and world. As we hear lay leaders share their call experiences this month, we’ll be […]


Winter Family Faith Formation – Feb 26

Winter Family Faith Formation – Feb 19 Join us each week as well follow and celebrate the life of Jesus! Pick from watching our Welcome Videos, Worship Together, Reading the Bible, Talk About It, Family Activities, Pray Together and Bless Each Other – or do them all! Welcome Video Worship Together Share in some faith […]


Weekend Prayers – February 25-26, 2023

PRAY… Below are the names of those we pray for this week. If you have a prayer request, please fill out the form here:, or call (612) 781-2766. The following names were correct as of February 24, 2023: Prayers of Healing for: Jan Stroom, Christy, Al Bier, Joel Setterholm, Sharon Wyberg, Goldie Taber, Jim […]


Annual Meeting 2023 Summary

The 65th Annual Meeting of Nativity Lutheran Church was held on February 11, 2023, at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall and continued following both worship hours on Sunday, February 12, for voting on Resolution Two: Constitution of the Congregation only. On Saturday evening, Karen Volker, President of the Nativity Council, called the Annual Meeting […]


Celebrating Generosity

We want to lift up this community’s generosity over the last few months—first, in response to our Annual Appeal this fall, and now with our Automated Giving Campaign in the new year. Last fall we met and exceeded our goal of receiving 200 Statements of Intent for giving in 2023. And this month we, again, […]