Join Us for the Final Midweek Lenten Worship & Meals


Join Us for the Final Midweek Lenten Worship & Meals

This week we wrap up our Lenten series “What’s Your Call Story?” with a final lay leader speaker, who will share his personal call story and inspire us to discern our own sense of vocation. Join us for lunch after midday worship at 11:45 am or for dinner before the evening worship hour at 6:30 […]


Flowers for Easter

Would you like to contribute flowers for Nativity’s Easter Celebration? We have forms available at the Welcome Desk. Contributions are $30. Forms and payment can be placed in the offering plate or left with a volunteer/staff member at the Welcome Desk.


THIS WEEKEND: Bread for the World Letter Writing Campaign

This month Nativity has observed Hunger Outreach Month, a month of learning and action around the prevalence of food insecurity and the possibilities of addressing hunger in our community and in the world. After worship today members from the Hunger Outreach Team will be hosting a letter writing campaign for the international organization Bread for […]


2023-2024 Nativity Scholarship Applications Due May 8th

Did you know that Nativity awards college scholarships each year? These scholarships are available to any Nativity member attending an ELCA Lutheran college, university, or seminary. High school seniors must submit a copy of their transcript. Current college students must submit a record of college grades. Completed applications are due Monday, May 8th, 2023. If […]


Share Hospitality This Holy Week & Easter

Easter is quickly approaching, and we’re looking forward to celebrating with our community and guests. Easter and Holy Week hospitality opportunities include donating treats for Maundy Thursday or Easter weekend services, setting up the Commons on Holy Saturday, and being on the serving team Easter morning. Holy Week Volunteering: Serving Treats on Maundy Thursday 6:30 […]


Growing Through Loss Series Begins April 17th

Nativity Church partners with Growing through Loss, a six-week series that provides information and support for a variety of grief situations. Each session begins with a presentation on some aspect of grief and continues in small supportive groups based on participants’ common loss. This weekly series begins on Monday, April 17, and meets from 6:45 […]


Grateful for an Inspiring Ordination Weekend!

Last weekend our community celebrated the ordination of Kyle Soderberg, Nativity’s Deacon of Outreach and Organizational Development. We’re grateful to all who were able to join us, including the family and friends of Kyle, Janell, and Hope. Ordination rites were performed on Sunday, March 19th, at the 10:30 a.m. worship hour by Minneapolis Area Synod […]


Winter Family Faith Formation – March 19

Winter Family Faith Formation – March 19 Join us each week as a family to celebrate the New Year with stories of the life of Jesus! Pick from watching our Welcome Videos, Worship Together, Reading the Bible, Talk About It, Family Activities, Pray Together and Bless Each Other – or do them all! Welcome Video […]


Weekend Prayers – March 18-19, 2023

PRAY… Below are the names of those we pray for this week. If you have a prayer request, please fill out the form here:, or call (612) 781-2766. The following names were correct as of March 17, 2023: Prayers of Healing for: Charlotte Jacobson, Sheldon Christenson, Marlys Hinrichs, Kaley, Joel Setterholm, Sharon Wyberg, Goldie […]