Weekend Prayers – May 20-21, 2023


Weekend Prayers – May 20-21, 2023

PRAY… Below are the names of those we pray for this week. If you have a prayer request, please fill out the form here: www.nativitychurch.org/prayer-request/, or call (612) 781-2766. The following names were correct as of May 19, 2023: Prayers of Healing for: Diane Calistro, Sharon Damsgard, Bill Sausser, Sonia Hoversten, Lauren Shmalberg and Baby-Coraline […]


Learn More about Prayer Shawl Group Ministry

We invite the community to visit the Prayer Shawl group after worship in the Commons to learn about their caring and supportive ministry at Nativity. The Prayer Shawl group at Nativity has many talented knitters and crocheters. We make prayer shawls for those going through difficult life events. If you know of someone who would […]


2023-2024 Nativity Scholarship Recipients

The Nativity Scholarship Committee is pleased to award scholarships for the 2023-2024 academic year to the following student members attending ELCA colleges and universities: Ethan Kempenich — Augsburg University Riya Chattopadhyay — Augsburg University Aaron Kempenich — Augsburg University Alexander Bjork — St. Olaf College Thank you to the Nativity College Scholarship Committee members: Paula […]


Parking Lot Project

We’re happy to share that the repaving project of our Silver Lake Road drive and parking lot is complete. The project even drew great interest from the NCFC children, who did a wonderful job supervising that day! We’re grateful for the generosity of the Nativity community that allows us to maintain our building and grounds. […]


Join Us for the Growing Green Yoga Event!

Wednesday, May 24, 6:00 pm | Fellowship Hall Nativity Public Ministry and the Environmental & Sustainability Team have partnered with Growing Green Hearts to offer this unique Growing Green Yoga experience. The free event will combine yoga practice with environmental education, hands-on activities, treats from The Sioux Chef, and storytelling for an immersive and connecting […]


May Is Mental Health & Wellness Outreach Month

Nativity’s Mental Health and Wellness Outreach Ministries respond to the reality that people in our community are facing life challenges and that they can benefit by our appropriate and timely help and care. These ministries promote awareness of local resources and offer both educational programming and support opportunities. The Dragonfly Project Packing Event May 6-7, […]


Book Drive for Global Outreach

Global Outreach Ministry at Nativity is collecting gently used children’s story books for children in Kenya. Nativity is helping to create library space at Kapcheptoror Village in western Kenya, where about 400 children attend school. If you have children’s books to spare, please donate them and bring to Nativity on or before May 21. Place […]

Photo of mural of George Floyd at George Floyd Square in Minneapolis, MN

Collaboration Project for George Floyd Rise & Remember Event

Nativity is partnering with Redeemer Lutheran and First Lutheran to create a kids’ zone for the George Floyd Memorial Rise & Remember Community Celebration on May 27th.  We need volunteers to join us in planning and being present. All ages can help!  Contact Dr. Kelly Sherman-Conroy for more information at Kelly@NativityChurch.org. Photo Credit: “George Floyd […]


Seniors! Graduate Recognition Photos and Form Due May 17th!

Graduating from high school is an important milestone and your faith community is excited to celebrate with you! One way that we would like to celebrate you and your achievement for graduation is to share your stories with our community. If you would like to participate, please fill out the linked Google Form HERE, and […]


Weekend Prayers – May 13-14, 2023

PRAY… Below are the names of those we pray for this week. If you have a prayer request, please fill out the form here: www.nativitychurch.org/prayer-request/, or call (612) 781-2766. The following names were correct as of May 12, 2023: Prayers of Healing for: Diane Calistro, Sharon Damsgard, Bill Sausser, Sonia Hoversten, Lauren Shmalberg and Baby-Coraline […]