Upcoming LSS Circle Luncheon


Upcoming LSS Circle Luncheon

Join us for the LSS Circle Luncheon at Axels Restaurant in Roseville on Thursday, June 15th, from 12:30-3:00 pm. Let’s celebrate our accomplishments this year. All women are welcome! Please RSVP to SueSorenson@yahoo.com.


Samantha Solboe – Class of 2023

Samantha Solboe is graduating from St. Anthony Village High School What are you looking forward to after graduation? Traveling to Norway   What advice would you give your 9th grade self? Have fun, and take time to enjoy yourself.   What would your prayer request be from Nativity? Help me be confident so I can make friends next year. 


Yard Work Weekend: Support Teens Experiencing Homelessness at Safe House

Nativity partners with the LSS Safehouse Shelter and does annual yard work to support the teen residents and provide the best possible environment for them to be safe and thrive! Join us for carpooling from Nativity on Saturday, June 10th, at 8:00 am, or meet us there at 8:30 am. We’ll return by noon. Please […]


Foster John Quehl – Class of 2023

Foster John Quehl is graduating from Mounds View High School  What are you looking forward to after graduation? I’m looking forward to the newfound freedom and balance of responsibility coming in college. I am also excited for what I am planning on pursuing in college.  What advice would you give your 9th grade self? I […]


Aaron Kempenich – Class of 2023

Aaron Kempenich is graduating from St. Anthony Village High School What are you looking forward to after graduation? Figuring out what I want to be.  What advice would you give your 9th grade self? Think twice.  What would your prayer request be from Nativity? Financial support in college. 


Nakai Martinez – Class of 2023

Nakai Martinez is graduating from Lakes International Language Academy What are you looking forward to after graduation? I am going to attend Iowa State to study engineering   What advice would you give your 9th grade self? Don’t give up, school may be hard and seem like a lot but in the end it all pays […]


Violet Kachman – Class of 2023

Violet Kachman is graduating from St. Anthony Village High School What are you looking forward to after graduation? Enjoying my senior summer and getting ready to head east for college!  What advice would you give your 9th grade self? It sounds cheesy, but enjoy the ride 🙂  What would your prayer request be from Nativity? That […]


Alex Bjork – Class of 2023

Alex Bjork is graduating from St. Anthony Village High School What are you looking forward to after graduation? Meeting new people and exploring my educational/career path.  What advice would you give your 9th grade self? If you find something you really enjoy, pursue it without hesitation.  What would your prayer request be from Nativity? For guidance […]


Annie Bauman – Class of 2023

Annie Bauman is graduating from St. Anthony Village High School What are you looking forward to after graduation? Independence   What advice would you give your 9th grade self? Cherish what is in front of you. Smile!  What would your prayer request be from Nativity? To continue having good grades and a fulfilling life 


Weekend Prayers – May 27-28, 2023

PRAY… Below are the names of those we pray for this week. If you have a prayer request, please fill out the form here: www.nativitychurch.org/prayer-request/, or call (612) 781-2766. The following names were correct as of May 26, 2023: Prayers of Healing for: John Simonds, Albert Nygren, Curt Carlson, Betty Kaye, Bob Arens, Diane Calistro, […]