Meet Vladimir Poveda…


Meet Vladimir Poveda…

Nativity’s new intern pastor. Vladimir begins June 15, 2019. Vladimir and his wife Sarah and their three children are members of Nativity. Over the next two years Vladimir will be among us learning about serving as a pastor by leading worship, teaching, offering pastoral care and preaching while attending classes at Luther Seminary. Nativity is […]



Early morning on June 4, 17 persons from our Nativity Community attended the Mental Health Connect fundraiser breakfast at Mt Olivet Lutheran Church.  The program involved communication about the important work being done by Mental Health Connect along with individuals sharing their challenges when faced with personal mental illness and mental illness of family members. […]


Beer and Hymns Follow up.

Another successful evening for Beer and Hymns!  54 people attended from 8 different congregations.  The event continues to bring new attendees and musicians! The next Beer and Hymns is scheduled for Monday August 5th.


AMMPARO Migrant Children

Get involved Pray for the safety of migrant children and families on the journey and for justice as they reach their destinations. Become a Welcoming Congregation to accompany these children and families through their transition to life in the U.S. Link to resource. Advocate for justice for migrant children and families. Accompany migrant children and families through the Guardian […]


Nativity Adults Ask Some of Today’s Tough Questions

Through small group reflection and conversation, Nativity folks are challenged by spiritual questions. What does it mean to grow in faith? What do you do when you know God is there but you can’t feel it? How does God use ordinary people? How does faith initiate and support social action? What is church? Is there […]


March Shark Madness was a hit! 

A group of 30 or so gathered early evening, eager to bond, connect, and offer a world of support. Or more accurately, a team. Nativity members and Thrivent investors came together for the second annual Shark Tank television show inspired fundraising event. Teams, groups, and individuals presented projects, events, missions, and fundraisers all hoping to […]


Beer & Hymns

Another successful evening for Beer and Hymns!  43 people attended from 9 different congregations.  A special thank you goes to Paige Buck for her leadership role as Freda was on a well-deserved vacation after retiring from her full-time job.  Great job Paige! The next Beer and Hymn events have been scheduled for Monday June 3rd […]


LENT 2019 – Faith & Social Justice: Why?

On Wednesdays March 13, 20, 27 April 3 & 10 guest presenters will examine the implications of what it means to love courageously, telling why they are involved in issues of social justice and how it has impacted their relationship with God. We will gather for meals before our mid-week, evening service, enjoy some fellowship […]


NE Senior Services Visit

Nativity is a Vital Aging community—providing spiritual and practical resources to enhance the aging process. As part of Nativity’s Vital Aging programs, NE Senior Services representatives visited on March 6th They discussed services such as: rides to appointments, foot clinics, senior housing tours, and legal clinics. Brochures are available near the welcome desk at Nativity Church. […]


Immigration Yesterday and Today

Members of the Wednesday AM Bible Study spent a session looking at the exhibit on recent immigrants, and comparing those stories to immigrants who arrived in the US in the early 1900’s. One observation was that both sets of immigrants had similar motivations for settling in a new country: ability to find work, freedom to […]