In the time of COVID-19


In the time of COVID-19

SALT at home Our high school bible study is going on the road, or at least on your computer. Each week we’ll be posting a new at-home study. These can be done solo, or as a group with your family and friends. If you would like to join the high school group that meets weekly, […]


Nativity Hosts its First Zoom Bible Study!

History was made today at Nativity Church as 17 people embarked on a virtual Bible study. While many had already been using Zoom, some were new to this way of communication. And, all employed patience during the initial troubleshooting phase. One woman remarked, “I’m 90 years old and I never dreamed of doing a Bible […]

weekly prayer

A Prayer for This Time

God of Mercy, we ask that you hold us close to you; affirm our faith; restore our hope. For those who are struggling with this disease, be present to them. For those with limited resources, provide them with people who can help. For families who are home together, provide wisdom. Give spouses patience for each […]


Community Continues Under Suspension Mandate

Suspension of “face to face” activities at Nativity began March 13, 2020 to do our part in honoring God, following Jesus and caring for one another. Thank you for doing your part. We are learning new ways to be church. I am grateful for the many who are dedicating themselves to make this happen. We […]


FAITH AT HOME for Grades 1-4 – April 25 & 26

April 25 & 26 – 3rd Sunday of Easter Worship Time Make the sign of the cross (Touch forehead, then heart. Touch one shoulder, then the other.) As you make the cross say, “Love God, Love Neighbor” Offering: How will you make an offering today? One family idea – Consider making a donation to a […]


FAITH AT HOME Club 56 – April 25 & 26

Club 56 FAITH AT HOME – April 25 & 26 Join us for Live, Zoom Jeopardy, Sunday at 12: We have really enjoyed creating online lessons for you! But we cannot replace hanging out. So, we are hosting a Club 56, Bible Story Jeopardy Game Sunday at 12 pm. If you cannot make it […]


FAITH AT HOME for Families of Littles – April 25 & 26

Super Hero Healers! Join Miss Renee as we celebrate that with God’s love we can be Super Hero Healers! Music Time Sing “Hello Hello”  “Walking and Leaping and Praising God” “Joy of the Lord” Story Time  Read “Peter Heals” in the Spark Story Bible on page 404  Story Playtime! Peter was able to make people […]


The Peace of Christ changes nothing, and everything. 

Discussion Questions or Journaling  Do you find that you are more focused on Good News or Bad News recently?  How do you think we balance the joy of Easter with our need, to be honest about the bad news and dangers that we live in today? What has some good news been from your week?  […]


Toolbox – “Self Care, Isn’t Selfish”

Join us for a new series that aims to equip parents to model faith for children. Helping children to have a meaningful faith life can be challenging. This isn’t something you have to “DIY.” How can parents feel more equipped and empowered as models of faith for children? TOOLBOX is a new parenting faith formation class […]


Pastoral Update – Glenn Seefeldt

When I was a child, I remember learning an activity I could do with my hands that illustrated the church, you may have done it as well.  The activity went like this; with fingers intertwined palm side in, pointer fingers on each hand raised to create a steeple, thumbs serving as church doors, you would […]