Those that show us God and our courage


Those that show us God and our courage

Discussion or Journaling What life lessons have you learned from your Mom or a Mom-like figure in your life? In what ways has she impacted your faith? I grew up in a home where we went to church every Sunday. One week it was Lutheran, and the next it was Catholic. Every other week we […]


FAITH AT HOME Club 56 – May 9 & 10

FAITH AT HOME Club 56 – May 9 & 10 We hope all the Mothers out there feel special and that their loved ones helped to make it so! May we also celebrate all the non-traditional Moms in this world! And, honor all the Mothers and Grandmothers we may have lost. Exploring Spiritual Practices Together  […]


FAITH AT HOME for Grades 1-4 – May 9 & 10

May 9 & 10 – 5th Sunday of Easter Worship Time Make the sign of the cross (Touch forehead, then heart. Touch one shoulder, then the other.) As you make the cross say, “Love God, Love Neighbor” Offering: How will you make an offering today? One family idea – Ask your Mom what one of […]


FAITH AT HOME for Families of Littles – May 9 & 10

Duck, Duck, Mommy Duck! Join Miss Renee at the Duck Pond (where we only saw swans…) Happy Mother’s Day to all the Moms, Grandmas, Aunties, Sisters, Daycare Moms, & EVERYONE                    (even sometime Dads, Uncles & Papas) who share God’s snuggly, nurturing love 🙂 Music Time Sing “If […]


Weekend Prayers – May 2 & 3, 2020

PRAY… Below are the names of those we pray for this week. If you have a prayer request, please fill out the form here:, or call 612.781.2766. The following names were correct as of May 2, 2020: Prayers of Healing for: Joe Porto, Dick Tjosvold, Linda Bradbury, Becky Schilling, Norma Olson, Charlie Hockert, Harland […]


Having a hard time seeing things clearly?

Sometimes we have a hard time seeing the love around us clearly, it’s time we change the lens. Discussion or Journaling Have you ever felt “left out” of a group or activity? What would it take to feel included? In my 5th grade year, I wanted to be on the student council. In this elementary […]


Congratulations to the Class of 2020

We’re celebrating you! Your school year has had an unexpected end, but a few things you should KNOW. Nativity sees you, we hear you, and we celebrate you! One way that we would like to celebrate you and your achievement for graduation are to share your stories with our community. We will be creating a blog […]


FAITH AT HOME Club 56 – May 2 & 3

FAITH AT HOME Club 56 – May 2 & 3 Join us for Live, Zoom Pictionary, Sunday at 12: We had a great time last weekend connecting with some of you via Zoom Jeopardy. This weekend we would love to play another Zoom game! Join us for Pictionary this Sunday, May 3 at Noon; […]


FAITH AT HOME for Grades 1-4 – May 2 & 3

May 2 & 3 – 4th Sunday of Easter Worship Time This Little Light of Mine: If you are able, light a candle to remind yourselves that Jesus is the light of the world. Jesus is with you, and Jesus is in you. Let your light shine! Offering: How can you make an offering today? […]


FAITH AT HOME for Families of Littles – May 2 & 3

Let’s Go To The Mailbox!  Join Miss Renee on an adventure to their mailbox! Music Time Sing “Give A Little Love ”  Give a little love away Give it give it give it today Give it with a song Give it all day long Give a little love away “Joy of the Lord” Story Time […]