Nativity Staff are “Freshening up” the Building


Nativity Staff are “Freshening up” the Building

Some of the staff have been busy cleaning and organizing around the church. A few were caught on camera. Heather Anderson has cleaned the pew wood, cushions, and scrubbed the sanctuary floor. (No, she will not come to your house and clean.) As this photo was taken, she remarked, “I feel like Cinderella.” Michael Garrett has shampooed […]


What does love have to do with it?

Discussion or Journaling How would you describe love to someone who has no concept of it? When I was growing up we watch Star Trek, for me, it was the Next Generation. I loved it. I loved the visual effects, the imagination, the alien worlds, and people. I loved the blending of cultures and hope […]


Weekend Prayers – May 16 & 17, 2020

PRAY… Below are the names of those we pray for this week. If you have a prayer request, please fill out the form here:, or call 612.781.2766. The following names were correct as of May 16, 2020: Prayers of Healing for: Crystal Vines, Tim, Myron “Stub” Getter, Joe Porto, Dick Tjosvold, Linda Bradbury, Becky […]


Celeste Andreasen – Class of 2020

Celeste Andreasen,  graduating from St. Anthony Village High School What are you looking forward to after high school? Moving out and meeting new people! What advice would you give to your 9th-grade self?   Be grateful for and cherish things happening in the moment because they will fly by faster than you think What is […]

weekly prayer

7 Devotional Resources For Spiritual Support

As we continue to navigate the challenges of the pandemic, this can be a good time to consider a daily devotional, a short reading each day that highlights a scripture passage or spiritual concept for personal reflection and integration. In addition to helping us ground our day with a meaningful message, these readings may illuminate […]


Summer Faith Formation Update

Hello Nativity Families, As, what will prove to be, an extremely abnormal summer approaches, I wanted to write you all and give an update regarding summer children and youth programs at Nativity. Summer Faith Formation, like Faith Formation during the program year, will be offered on our website as digital lessons. These lessons will be […]


Weekend Prayers – May 9 & 10, 2020

PRAY… Below are the names of those we pray for this week. If you have a prayer request, please fill out the form here:, or call 612.781.2766. The following names were correct as of May 9, 2020: Prayers of Healing for: Tim, Myron “Stub” Getter, Joe Porto, Dick Tjosvold, Linda Brad-bury, Becky Schilling, Norma […]


FAITH AT HOME Club 56 – May 16 & 17

FAITH AT HOME Club 56 – May 16 & 17 ‘We Care Weekend’ is Here! Join Nativity Students and Families this Saturday and Sunday 9 am- 1 pm for our Drive-Up/Drop off Donation for People Serving People. Stay in your car, and we will collect your items from you.  Our volunteers will be wearing masks […]


FAITH AT HOME for Grades 1-4 – May 16 & 17

May 16 & 17 – 6th Sunday of Easter Worship Time If you are able, light a candle to remind yourselves that Jesus is the light of the world. Jesus is with you, and Jesus is in you. Let your light shine! Offering: How can you make an offering today?  Thank You, God: Name three […]


FAITH AT HOME for Families of Littles – May 16 & 17

I LAVA YOU! Join Miss Renee as we celebrate erupting with God’s love! Music Time “We Love” We love (clap clap) because God first loved us We love (clap clap) because God first loved us We love, we love We love (clap clap) because God (clap) first (clap) loved (clap) us Story Time Read “Love Is…” in […]