Beck Friebe – Class of 2020


Beck Friebe – Class of 2020

Beck Friebe who is graduating from St. Anthony Village High School What are you looking forward to after high school? Meeting new people. What advice would you give to your 9th-grade self? Be yourself. What is a prayer request you have from Nativity? My prayer is for everyone to stay healthy. Anything else you would […]


Weekend Prayers – May 23 & 24, 2020

PRAY… Below are the names of those we pray for this week. If you have a prayer request, please fill out the form here:, or call 612.781.2766. The following names were correct as of May 23, 2020: Prayers of Healing for: Crystal Vines, Tim, Myron “Stub” Getter, Joe Porto, Dick Tjosvold, Linda Bradbury, Becky […]


Elizabeth Beckstrom – Class of 2020

Elizabeth Beckstrom is graduating from Blaine High School What are you looking forward to after high school?   I am looking forward to going to college at North Dakota State University to continue my passion for engineering. I’m looking forward to the new friendships and experiences that are to come. What advice would you give […]


Small Group Zoom Opportunities

I am thankful that we have the opportunity to stay connected to people via video conferencing. Nativity has been using Zoom. Following is a list of Zoom opportunities. All are welcome to join any of these groups at any time. Sunday AM Book Study Group: 9:00 AM. Contact Jerry Hoffman,  This group is finishing […]

weekly prayer

A Prayer During this time of Covid 19

Loving God, We pray for your love and compassion to abound as we walk through this challenging season. We ask for wisdom for those who bear the load of making decisions with widespread consequences. We pray for those who are suffering with sickness and for all who are caring for them. We pray for misinformation […]


FAITH AT HOME for Families of Littles – May 23 & 24

UP UP UP!  Join Miss Renee as we celebrate Jesus going up up up in the clouds on Ascension Day! Music Time “Up UP UP” He went up up up into the sky one day But His love love love is in our hearts to say x2 Alleluia Alleluia x2 Story Time Read “Ascension” in […]


FAITH AT HOME for Grades 1-4 – May 23 & 24

May 23 & 24 – 7th Sunday of Easter Worship Time: Make the sign of the cross (Touch forehead, then heart. Touch one shoulder, then the other.) As you make the cross say, “Love God, Love Neighbor” Offering: How will you make an offering today? Sing: Thank you, God for giving us life. Thank you, […]


FAITH AT HOME Club 56 – May 23 & 24

FAITH AT HOME Club 56 – May 23 & 24 Let’s Celebrate! We have all had a strange and challenging year. Let’s celebrate our time together with a Zoom Game on 05.31 at Noon. This will be our last Club 56 Weekend of the program year. We hope to see you! Exploring Spiritual Practices Together […]


Josh Cary – Class of 2020

Josh Cary who is graduating from St. Anthony Village High School What are you looking forward to after high school?   Continuing my education and playing baseball at Hamline university. What advice would you give to your 9th-grade self?   Take advantage of your time, don’t let a second go to waste. What is a […]

weekly prayer

Prayer for the World

For all who have contracted Covid 19, we pray for good health care. For those who are particularly vulnerable, we pray for safety and protection. For all who experience fear or anxiety, we pray for peace of mind and spirit. For those who are peaceful, we pray they share their peace with others. For public […]