We’ve all prayed, and we’ve all had questions about prayer. What is prayer? How many kinds of prayer are there? How am I to pray when I feel stuck? This upbeat series will offer practical ways to engage in more vibrant prayer—or to affirm the ways you are already praying. This series is in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday mornings from 9:15-10:00 am on the following dates:
January 8: “Prayer, Conversation with God”
Asking is one form of prayer. There is also listening to God’s presence in your life, but what does that mean? Facilitator, Pat Hendricks, Spiritual Director, and Nativity Coordinator of Adult Faith Formation.
January 22: “Centering Prayer”
This prayer is a new approach to an Ancient Christian way. Learn how to use this prayer and its long-term benefits. Facilitator Lois Anderson, Centering Prayer Practitioner.
February 12: “Body Prayer: Praying with our Whole Self”
Explore how moving our bodies is a form of prayer. Julie will share how using this prayer has changed her life of prayer. Facilitator, Julie Bonde, Spiritual Coach and leader of the Thursday Morning Book Group.
Questions? Email Pat Hendricks at bppat127@gmail.com, or call (763) 221-8149.