The Nativity community met virtually for its annual meeting on February 13, 2022.
The following is a Summary of Comments and Questions from the Annual Meeting.
How is Nativity Doing?
Nativity is solid financially and general sentiment is positive. Staff and community are excited for the future and the possible changes.
How is NCFC doing?
NCFC is offering a full program of childcare, pre-school and before and after school care. Staffing has stabilized. The center is also financially stable.
Attendance: Are people going to come back?
We don’t know. As an observation and possible indicator, Worship guests have returned. Pre covid we averaged 2 new house holds a weekend, currently we average .5 or one new household every two weeks. National trends for mainline denominations are inconclusive. We will offer the best in-person and online we can.
Worship Schedule and Format: There is an excitement and energy around the prospect of a new weekly worship schedule as well as offering different worship formats.
Hybrid Church: We will study best practices during 2022, and work with a consultant. We will raise funds for this new mission as part of our funding appeal.
Giving: Giving is strong. We are working with GSB, a fund development firm, to conduct a fall stewardship appeal. We will review giving patterns and conduct a giving analysis.
Hospitality: Our medical team will advise us as to when we will offer food hospitality before and after worship as well as with other activities. We currently offer food hospitality for funerals.
Initiatives: For those who were concerned that we have too many, we have reduced the initiatives to 4 for 2022.
Constitutional Changes: There will be informational meetings to help the congregation understand the changes that are proposed.
Justice Ministry–how may we expand it? We are creating a Public Ministry Department responsible for overseeing our justice ministry activities.
RIC Process: The survey results have been summarized and communicated to the congregation. The process forward with the Council will be transparent. In the meantime, two forums for the Nativity community have been scheduled for this month.