Nativity’s Mental Health and Wellness Outreach Ministries respond to the reality that people in our community are facing life challenges and that they can benefit from our appropriate and timely help and care. These ministries promote awareness of local resources and offer both educational programming and support opportunities.
The Mental Health and Wellness Outreach Team would appreciate Nativity’s feedback on the question below as they plan for activities and programs in the year ahead.
All Month Long:
Visit the ministry team at the Mental Health and Wellness Outreach information table in the Commons to learn more about Nativity’s mental health ministries and upcoming opportunities.
May 4, 1:00-3:00 pm | Nativity Sanctuary
Dragonfly Project’s 22nd Annual Celebration & Remembrance Event
The Dragonfly Project provides a message of hope to those who are grieving, and this year we celebrate 22 years of that ongoing mission. The program begins at 1:00 pm with music, a business update, speakers, and time to remember our loved ones. A reception and a silent auction will follow the program. You can find out more and RSVP at dragonflyproject.org/2024-celebration, or RSVP via email to Jules Bonde at madjules@gmail.com.
May 4-5 | In Worship
Executive Director of Mental Health Connect Rev. Hannah Campbell Gustafson will bring the message this weekend.
May 9, 7:30-9:00 am | Mount Olivet Lutheran Church
Mental Health Connect – Stories of Hope Breakfast
5025 Knox Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN
Join us for Mental Health Connect’s 5th Annual “Stories of Hope” Fundraiser Breakfast. MHC collaborates with 37 faith communities that have a reach of 80,000 people and provides education to reduce stigma. David Lohman will be the spotlight speaker at this year’s Stories of Hope Breakfast. He’s a songwriter, singer, theater teacher, and activist. All are invited to join us that day to enjoy the meal and fellowship, feel the support, listen to the impactful stories, and learn about the collaborative work. Support from “Stories of Hope” will provide critical resources to support the mental health of our community. Register online HERE.
May 12, 9:00-10:00 am | Fellowship Hall
“Mother to Mother: Conversations about Things That Matter”
This event is an opportunity for mothers to join other mothers with similar-aged children in a discussion about their parenting joys, challenges, and questions.
May 16, 6:30-7:30 pm | Nativity Commons
Art as a Restorative Practice – Jesse Fraser, Art Therapy
Join Nativity Mental Health Connect and Jessi Fraser, an artist and motivational leader who is certified in art therapy and has a certification from Yale University in the Science of Well-Being for creative techniques for releasing life stresses with mindful artistic expression. Jessi also has a personal story to share along with the use of art for healing. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate, and all supplies will be provided. For those who join us online, we suggest you have paints or anything you can use for art (markers, crayons, colored pencils, etc.) available. We stress that you do not need to be an artist to participate!
May 18-19, after all worship hours | Nativity Commons
MHC Representative at Table in the Commons
Nativity partners with Mental Health Connect (MHC), a collaborative of faith-based communities working together to support community-based resources, provide support and education, improve access to mental health services, and connect individuals and families with the services they need. This weekend Nativity’s Mental Health Connect Ambassadors will host a table before and after worship with resources about mental health. An MHC Navigator will also be with us to answer questions about their role and the support Mental Health Connect provides. We invite you to come see us, introduce yourself, and ask questions.
May 25-26, after all worship hours | Nativity Commons
Dragonfly Project Packet Assembly Event
Join the Dragonfly Project team after worship to learn more about their ministry to those grieving the loss of a loved one. We’ll have a table in the Commons with information as well as a packet assembly project where you can help pack cards and keychains to spread hope and healing. All are welcome!