Nativity’s Hunger Community Outreach recognizes and responds to the reality that many people are unable to acquire sufficient food to meet basic nutritional needs. We increase awareness and understanding of hunger and food security in our community.
Pantry Ministry
As Nativity begins our March 2022 food drive, we look back at Nativity’s support for local food pantries Little Kitchen and NEED in 2021. In 2021, 588 pounds of groceries were donated along with 143 pounds of fresh produce from the Nativity garden and $19,839 in monetary support.
• Allison Woodwick and Tina Wyffels for organizing Nativity volunteers for weekly Thursday evenings at Little Kitchen Food Pantry
• Art Peterson for delivering food donations
• Lona Doolon for overseeing the Nativity garden
• The Nativity volunteers that work the Little Kitchen food pantry
If you’re interested in volunteering at Little Kitchen Food Pantry please contact Allison Woodwick at allisonwoodwick@gmail.com or Tina Wyffels at twyffels@bkbm.com to get more information.
Food Drive for Local Food Shelves
In the month of March, the Hunger Outreach Team at Nativity with the Student Action Leadership Team (SALT) will host a food and monetary food drive for local food shelves. You’ll find a table in the narthex for food donations. Cash gifts are especially appreciated and can be put in the offering plate or made by donation using Venmo or Paypal. Make checks to Nativity and write Little Kitchen or NEED in the memo line. (One dollar donated can buy $9 in food by pantry staff.)