Luther Park is offering options for all comfortability levels and schedules this summer. Children who have completed grades 1-12 can come stay for a half or full week of camp, families of all make ups (grandparents, too) can come for a weekend Camp Getaway or campers can receive some of camp in a camp-in-a-box. For more information and registration visit http://www.lutherparkdanbury.com or email (camp@lutherpark.com)/call (651-72-4868) Leah McDougall with questions.
Luther Park is also looking for young adults (ages 18+) to fill the summer staff ministry team. Positions available include: lifeguard, kitchen assistant/dishwasher, maintenance assistant or male counselor (sorry, all the female counselor and leadership positions are filled). If you know of or are interested in being a part of this summer ministry team from June 13-August 6, apply online!