LSS Circle – Staying Strong!


From March 2020 to the present, the LSS Circle has, like other church groups, not been able
to meet in person. But that did not stop this mighty group of 28 members plus 6 honorary
members from staying in touch with each other and be about the service ministry of the group.
Marcy Sorenson, Shirley Bradway and I sent out monthly snail mail letters to every member as
not everyone has access to a computer. Plus, it is quite wonderful to get something in the mail!

We sponsored and oversaw two major service ministries. The first was to support the Mask
Making team in making cloth masks for LSS staff, volunteers, and clients. We oversaw the
making and delivery of 2,560 masks to LSS! Four teams were organized, one per season of
the year with a total of 45 individuals! As LSS finished its campaign, we are giving our masks
that are leftover to local food shelves. Many more mask kits are available to be made, so
please let me know if you want to make some for your favorite charity!

Our second ministry was to sponsor again the annual Nativity campaign to provide needed
items for the Metro Youth who are homeless and served by LSS. As we were unable to gather
and store items in the pandemic, we did financial gifts only. Once again Nativity rose to
occasion and $8,888 was gathered and given to LSS to buy items at Christmas for the Youth.
In addition, 5 home quilts, 156 hand knit hats were given along with $125 worth of Target gifts
cards from the “Sweets for Sharing” leftover funds. What an outpouring of care! The LSS
staff was deeply touched!

Out of an abundance of caution, we will not meet in person until this summer and then will
meet once outside on church grounds bringing our lawn chairs.
What an honor to work with such a resilient, caring, cheerful group of women!

Mary Peterson LSS Circle Chair.