Adult Faith Formation/Enrichment Groups and Leaders: For specific programs, read the weekend News to Note or contact Pat Hendricks, Coordinator of Adult Faith Formation and Vital Aging at or (763) 221-8149
Drawing Closer to God through Education and Faith Formation:
Vital Aging: Nativity values its senior members. Many of the enrichment opportunities are during the day to accommodate retirement or semi-retirement schedules. Contact Pat Hendricks at or (763) 221-8149.
Spiritual Coaching: A one to one ministry with a trained spiritual director with the purpose of questioning and growing in faith while balancing the challenges of life. Contact Pat Hendricks at or (763) 221-8149.
Studying God’s Word through Bible Studies
Wednesday Morning Bible Study: Every Wednesday 10:00-11:30am. A study of the scriptures, including historical context and ways they apply today. Pat Hendricks, C: 763-221-8149.
Learning How God Enters Life through Book Studies
Thursday Morning Book Study: Every Thursday, 9:30-11:00am. A study of contemporary books on topics that challenge and inform our life as followers of Jesus. Julie Bonde,, C: 612-716-5538.
Saturday at Nine Book Group: Every Saturday, 8:30-10:00 am via Zoom. A study of contemporary books on topics that challenge and inform our life as Christians. The group is a forum for growing deeper in one’s faith through hearing others’ stories. Contact Jerry Hoffman,, (612) 788-1300.
Social Justice Book Club: Each Tuesday 9:30-10:30 am via Zoom. To learn more or get the Zoom link, contact Paula Biessener at
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