Come and worship as we journey through these forty days with Jesus toward the cross.
This year’s Lenten theme is “What’s Your Call Story?”
Our namesake, Martin Luther, taught that everyone has a vocation. That is, everyone has been endowed with gifts and talents by God and called to important work in the home, church, and world. In this Lenten series, we’ll hear lay leaders in our community share their own call stories; how they have been called to their ministry, what its impact has been for others and for them, and how you can support it. In hearing these stories, we’ll be inspired to discern our own sense of vocation, in following the way of Jesus, and in writing the next chapters of our own call stories.
To support us on this journey, we are offering a Gifts and Passions Class. To register or learn more, contact Deacon Kyle at kyle@nativitychurch.org.
Ash Wednesday Worship + Meal
February 22, 11:45 am and 6:30 pm
The Imposition of Ashes will be offered as a part of worship. Ash Packets will be available for those worshiping from home. Ash Wednesday midday worship will begin at 11:45 am with lunch to follow. Evening worship will begin at 6:30 pm after the Wednesday Community Meal at 5:30 pm. Our menu for Ash Wednesday will be Chicken Wild Rice Soup.
Midweek Lenten Worship
Wednesdays in March
Midweek Lenten Worship services will be held Wednesdays from March 1-29 at 11:45 am (with lunch to follow) and 6:30 pm (immediately following the 5:30 pm Community Meals). For questions, please contact Pastor Ben at ben@nativitychurch.org.
Lenten Community Meals
Wednesdays in March
Join us in the Fellowship Hall from 12:30-1:30 pm and 5:30-6:30 pm each Wednesday during Lent. Meals are $6.00/person or $20/family. All meals include a side, drinks, salad, veggies/fruit, and dessert. Gluten-free and vegan options will be available. Information for March menus to come!
Adult Faith Formation: Where Does Lent Come From?
Sunday, February 26 from 9:15-10:00 am | Fellowship Hall
Where does Lent come from? Why do we do it? What traditions have we developed? Join us for adult faith formation to hear some of the history, tradition, meaning, and opportunities for Lent. Deacon Kyle will share a deeper story of Lent and engage us in rich small group discussion. All are welcome to attend. Questions? Contact bppat127@gmail.com, (763) 221-8149.