This week we wrap up our Lenten series “What’s Your Call Story?” with a final lay leader speaker, who will share his personal call story and inspire us to discern our own sense of vocation. Join us for lunch after midday worship at 11:45 am or for dinner before the evening worship hour at 6:30 pm.
Midweek Lenten Worship
Kurt Bachmeyer’s call story with Nativity Mental Health Connect
Lunch & Dinner Menu
Tomato Basil Soup
Lunch will be held in the Commons following midday worship and includes soup, bread, fruit, dessert, and drink. The cost is $5.00/meal. Dinner will be in the Fellowship Hall and is $6.00/meal or $20.00/family. Dinner will include soup, bread, salad, fruit, dessert, and drink. Vegetarian and gluten-free options will be available. For more information or to help with meals, email Heather Anderson at Heather@NativityChurch.org.