This year’s Lenten theme is “What’s Your Call Story?” Our namesake, Martin Luther, taught that everyone has a vocation. That is, everyone has been endowed with gifts and talents by God and called to important work in the home, church, and world. As we hear lay leaders share their call experiences this month, we’ll be inspired to discern our own sense of vocation. To support us on this journey, Nativity is offering a Gifts and Passions Class.
In this fast-paced world where there are many expectations, there aren’t many opportunities for self-reflection. Have you asked yourself if the busy parts of your life align with who you are and what is important to you? Let’s take time out of our schedules to learn more about our personalities, examine and articulate our values, and explore our God-given gifts and passions—together! With support from a small group, we’ll explore how we can use what we’ve learned about ourselves to make a difference in our lives and community.
Through this class you’ll gain:
- A deeper understanding of your unique personality, gifts, and values;
- Time and space to reflect on what is important to you at this time in your life;
- An opportunity to explore ways to use your passions and God-given gifts to make a difference in your lives and community;
- Deepened relationships with other class participants.
The date and time of the class have yet to be set. Register at https://www.nativitychurch.org/gifts-and-passions-registration/. Questions? Contact Deacon Kyle at kyle@nativitychurch.org.