After 14 years at Nativity Church it’s time for me to try a new adventure. I am sad, grateful, and a little scared for what lies ahead. Thank you Nativity for making me feel like part of a family.
I was offered a job (not looking) and it sounded like a great opportunity and couldn’t pass it up.
Nativity has been my church home for a long time and I don’t plan on going anywhere else so you will still see me around! Thank you all for being such a big part of my life over the years.
-Jodi Dean
“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”
-Winnie the Pooh
Thank you Jodi!
Nativity is grateful for Jodi’s 14 years of ministry. Her pleasant smile and helpful attitude will be missed. Blessings to Jodi as she starts a new job.