March is Hunger and Food Outreach Month at Nativity! Join us in celebrating our Hunger and Food Outreach ministries by continuing our long-standing commitment to end hunger here, near, and afar!
If you’d like additional information about any of our activities or to volunteer for our Hunger and Food Ministries, you can indicate your interest in the tear-off section, follow the QR code, or email Deacon Kyle at Kyle@NativityChurch.Org.
Throughout March, Before and After Each Worship Hour
• We’ll be accepting food donations and paper grocery bags (both fresh and non-perishable foods) to support Little Kitchen Food Shelf.
• Find us at our table in the Commons, where Hunger and Food Ministry volunteers will share more about engagement opportunities.
March 15th, 11:45 am & 6:30 pm
• Laura Oksnevad (Meals on Wheels) will share her call story during midweek Lenten worship.
• Gather with us in the Commons to decorate paper lunch bags for Meals on Wheels deliveries to brighten the day of clients.
March 25th, Before and After Every Worship Service
• We’ll host a Bread for the World letter writing campaign in the Commons asking legislators for additional funding to end hunger.
April 1st, 11:30 am
• Leah Reddy is organizing a Feed My Starving Children Packing Event at the Coon Rapids F.M.S.C. Facility.