Hi Nativity, Pastor Ben here! I wanted to make a quick video, here from home, reminding all of you that Holy Week starts this weekend with Palm Sunday.
Given our current “stay-at-home” context we will continue to offer worship opportunities exclusively online. While the reality of not physically coming together for Holy Week and Easter worship services is certainly sad, it also has forced Nativity staff to think creatively and find the silver-lining.
We have developed a new worship experience, exclusively for online participation, which we are excited to introduce in Holy Week; starting with Palm Sunday this weekend. We no longer will be “live-streaming” our worship services, but instead releasing the videos, in their entirety, for you to watch whenever it works best for you.
Weekend worship videos will be released at the original “live-stream” time of 5:30pm Saturday evening. Maundy Thursday and Good Friday worship will be released at 11:45am.
For those that would like, we’ll also be offering a Facebook Premier of worship at 9am on Sunday mornings and at 7pm on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. The goal of this is to give the community the opportunity to come together online, in real-time, to like, comment, and share pictures with one another of what it looks like for you to “go to church” right now.
Oh, one more thing! During Maundy Thursday worship on April 9th, we will be introducing “at-home” communion. Between now and then, we invite you to get some bread, crackers, or something similar, wine and/or grape juice (or any kind of juice really) for you to have on hand during worship. We know it can take a little longer to get groceries right now, so we wanted to inform you of this opportunity early so that you could get what you need if you’d like to participate.
We’ll also celebrate Holy Communion during the Easter Sunday worship service and each following worship service on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month.
If that feels like a lot, I get it. Feel free to reach out with any questions you may have; my email is ben@nativitychurch.org. Thanks Nativity! I’m so looking forward to experiencing Holy Week and Easter, in a whole new way, with all of you. God bless, and I’ll see you online.
Peace & Blessings,
Ben Schori
Associate Pastor
Nativity Lutheran Church
3312 Silver Lake Rd
St Anthony, MN 55418
612-781-2766 x1010