“Hard is allowed.”
News — good and bad — continues to remind us of the long arc we are walking to achieve real justice and build the Beloved Community. During Saturday’s reflection, Rev. Ravyn Miller called us to hold Imago Dei — the Image of God — in our hearts. When we can see the Divine in others, we can serve as both leaders and followers in the work of Justice. There is a lot of work to do and it won’t be easy, as this week’s reflection leaders reminded us. B ut as Rev. Miller said, “hard is allowed.”
Our daily virtual prayer tent continues through May 26, the day after the 1-year anniversary of George Floyd’s murder. Stay tuned and pray with us for discernment about the future work of Healing Our City.
Join us daily at 8:00 AM Central Time for this 20-30 minute prayer experience which begins with a timely reflection by a different spiritual leader each day. The reflection is followed by a period of 9 minutes and 29 seconds of silent prayer/meditation. We close with music and an invitation to offer your own prayers and thoughts in writing.
Sunday, May 16
Sayyid Muntadher Aljabery, Resident Scholar / Lecturer, Anjuman-e-Asghari (AeA) & Imam Hussein Islamic Center (IHIC)
Monday, May 17
Rev. Stevenson Samuels, Pastor, Church of God, Jamaica
Tuesday, May 18
Vishal Agarwal, Member, Hindu Community of Minnesota, Minneapolis
Wednesday, May 19
Mary Hess, Professor of Education Leadership, Luther Seminary, Saint Paul
Thursday, May 20
Pastor Roslyn Harmon, Founder and Pastor / Executive Director, Circle of Healing Ministry, Minneapolis
Friday, May 21
Betty Emarita, Member, Baha’i Community of Minneapolis, Minneapolis
Saturday, May 22
To be announced.
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Access daily livestreams as well as recordings of previous reflections on our
Healing Our City Facebook page.