No act of kindness or generosity is ever too small with God. God uses the seemingly disappointing gift of a stable, all that the innkeeper had left, to change the world. Your giving makes it possible for the Nativity community to bring hope to people every day, including many who are overwhelmed by the pandemic, divisiveness and injustice.
Thank you for your gift. Would you please consider a year-end gift? Giving has not met expectations. If you’ve been intending to make a gift or an extra gift this year but haven’t gotten around to it, it’s not too late.
You can give at nativitychurch.org/give or use Venmo (@NativityLutheran) or PayPal. If you want to send a check, our address is 3312 Silver Lake Rd, St Anthony MN. 55418. Your gift needs to be postmarked no later than December 31.
In gratitude,
Pastor Glenn Seefeldt