
Bangladesh School Project – Mission Afar
Nativity Scholars Program Enters New Phase
June is a month of transition for many people. Students
graduate, change schools, and bid farewell to friends. Parents
and families ask the age-old question: Where did the time go?
The Nativity Scholars Program in Bangladesh started in 2003
when the Nativity faith community provided the resources
(seed money grant from the Hermundslie fund and individual
donations) to enroll ten village girls in the LAMB School in
Bangladesh. In 2016, the last of the ten girls is completing
grade level 10 and moving on from the LAMB School. One of
the girls has entered an English Medium College, a remarkable
accomplishment. The other eight girls are all pursuing
educational goals. All of the girls have delayed marriage in
pursuit of education, another remarkable accomplishment in
rural Bangladesh. The Nativity Scholars Program continues to
provide financial support to the students who continue their
We give thanks for God’s blessings and for touching the heart
of so many people to help these girls-now young ladies-
find love, hope, joy, and peace as they follow their dreams for a
better life. Steve and Nancy Laible serve as co-directors of the
mission project and are happy to provide additional information
by contacting Nancy at laible@comcast.net.