I have been thinking about what my family has received from Nativity and why we give to Nativity.
The “why” is straightforward; we know that we directly benefit from the services and the community that this church creates. Nativity helps shape the conversations we have with our kids about our faith and values – and reminds us that those conversations are critical to our growth and ability to form healthy relationships. Some of the best and most challenging conversations we’ve had with our kids were instigated by a lesson taught by Tori during Faith Formation, an experience shared by Kelly during Pop Tops (Popular Topics), a community/faith event hosted by Meet Me At The River, and a conversation in the Fellowship Hall about affordable housing or homelessness. I’m so thankful for those experiences that come from the wisdom and connection that the church’s leadership and staff cultivate with our community and neighbors.
I think about the sermons, fellowship, and service opportunities as buds on a plant. Financial giving is one of the ways we can help feed the roots of the plant, so the buds can grow, and it takes all our actions and support to make sure the buds can turn into vines that grow beyond the church’s walls. When we give financially on a regularly basis those generosity muscles get a little more use, so when we give it seems more natural. It feels like it comes more out of joy and less out of obedience. We begin to feel thankful for being able to help feed the roots, so the vines can continue to grow.
We still make decisions based more on fear and greed, but I think it happens less often. This connection formed with Nativity and our community reminds us that we need to think about how investment returns are much broader than financial gains. We can live our lives knowing relationships and the love of God that we see in our community can have a much greater value than a bank account getting bigger. I encourage you all to think about how stretching the “generosity muscle” can help form stronger roots for you, our church, and community.
-Rachel Dungca
You can complete your plan or sign up for an automatic withdrawal (Simply Giving) online at www.Nativitychurch.org/give or stop by the Welcome Desk and pick up a form.
The Plan for Giving pledge card is different than the Simply Giving signup form. We would like to receive a Plan for Giving from all Nativity members. We are encouraging those who do not already give by automatic withdrawal/Simply Giving to prayerfully consider it.