Please consider the following and then submit the form for consideration
I. Background & Rationale
Fundraising activities serve at least two important purposes besides the obvious one of raising needed money for church ministries. First, they highlight the specific mission, importance, and needs of the organization which is raising funds. Second, they help to build community within the church and enthusiasm for its ministries.
The ability to raise funds, however, and/or the desire for the benefits those funds would obtain, is not necessarily a compelling reason for raising those funds. Fundraisers should never overshadow the practice of stewardship: the amount of funds raised, the frequency of fundraisers, or the objectives of raising the funds. Nor should funds be raised for unnecessary items that may be luxuries when other essential needs in the church are not being met.
II. Policy
In order to practice good stewardship, act respectfully toward the congregation and those that are asked to support the church and its ministries, and support the goals of groups which participate in fundraising, these principles are offered as a foundation for church fundraising policies:
- The fundraising activity can not involve gambling.
- Fundraisers must be pre-approved using the attached form.
- Requests will be reviewed and scheduled to maximize success of the event.
- Pastors may use their own discretion when to have special appeals, such as, disaster relief.
- After an event, all proceeds are to be held at the church. Check requests and receipts should be submitted to the business administrator for processing.
- All fundraising activities must be in conformance with the tax-exempt status of the Nativity Church and will be in keeping with the stated mission, values, and policies of the Church.
- Fundraising activities may not be a vehicle for promoting the business of individuals or constituents to the exclusion of others. Therefore, proposed fundraising activities where specific individual has the opportunity to make a profit on items sold or otherwise promote their individual business, will not be approved.
- Service providers used in connection with fundraising activities (such as speakers, performers, caterers, etc.) can be compensated for the specific services they provide at pre-approved rates. Service providers and compensation should be identified in the written fundraising application submitted for approval.
III. Categories/beneficiaries
- Youth fundraising: the youth of Nativity may do fundraising for their/Nativity’s youth mission and ministry activities. Example: mission trips
- Mission partners: example: Bangladesh concert, Foodshare month, etc.
- Church wide campaign: capital appeals, building appeals and annual stewardship drives.
This form serves to 1. Present Nativity’s values related to fundraising, and 2. Present details for a proposed fundraising event. The form should be reviewed carefully by the person who will be responsible for the proposed fundraising event, and then submitted to the Senior Pastor or Business Administrator for review. Responses will be provided within 7 days of receiving the application
Nativity’s Fundraising Value
In Nativity’s Constitution, Bylaw 4 states, “Sound principles of Christian Stewardship shall be practiced in the congregation. The sale of goods and services for the purpose of raising money shall not be permitted, except for youth groups – senior high or younger – for non-budgeted projects.”
Christian Stewardship represents how we live our lives in response to God’s love and grace. It is a faith response that begins with recognizing and receiving God’s abundant gifts. As stewards, we return our love for God by giving our time, talent and treasures to others – gratefully, faithfully, regularly, proportionately, responsibly and joyfully.