This month we also highlight our Racial Equity and Justice Ministries at Nativity. We’ll share a variety of in-house and outside activities to build awareness and celebrate REJM initiatives in February and beyond!
- Coordinate all-church book reads and discussions
- Host REJM-sponsored movie nights for everyone
- Organize immersion experiences outside of Nativity
- Bring REJM-related guests and programs to Nativity
- Focus on more inclusive art and other cultural expressions inside our building
Inspired by the IDI: A New Path for Growth
We also have a new follow-up plan for Nativity’s IDI experience last fall. As a reminder, the Intercultural Developmental Inventory is a tool to measure intercultural competence and awareness for individuals and communities. Nativity’s IDI results fell right in the middle, being inclusive but also minimizing the differences in lived experiences between European descent and People of Color, including values, perspectives, and the treatment of People of Color by general society.
As part of our commitment to Love God, Love Neighbor, we set out to deepen our understanding as a community by establishing a tangible goal: to move ourselves up the IDI spectrum to “Acceptance of differences” and then to “Adaptation of behavior” based on this Acceptance. We’ll accomplish this goal through a variety of immersion and education experiences and then reassess as a congregation in two years.
We would love your feedback on our plan as we gear up to take collective action! You’ll find a question you can answer HERE online. We’re excited for the journey ahead!
Questions? Contact Terri Warren at t-warren07@comcast.net.