Racial Equity & Justice (REJM) is a volunteer-led Nativity community group looking to pass on educational and advocacy opportunities with the aim of working towards eliminating racism. Its vision is racial equity and justice for all God’s children.
We are also looking for new team members, including youth!
Learn more by stopping at a REJM table in the Commons before or after worship or by emailing Deacon Kyle at Kyle@Nativity.org. You can also submit your interest in the group (or a specific event) in the tear-off form on the back of your News to Note.
HISTORY: February is National Black History Month
“Paying tribute to the generations of African Americans who struggled with adversity to achieve full citizenship in American society.” https://blackhistorymonth.gov/
PODCAST: Racism as a Public Health Crisis
Being Here Podcast: Invites us to learn together, listen to each other, grow together, and move forward together — stronger, more resilient as a unique community.
Everyone in America interacts with health systems, but our experiences can vary widely based on many factors including income, gender, and race. Black Americans have a lower life expectancy than white Americans, and we’ve seen the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on communities of color. Join Pastor Melissa as she talks with Bukata Hayes, the Vice-President of Racial and Health Equity at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota to shed some light on how health disparities impact us individually, as well as our civic and faith communities. To listen in, go to: http://bit.ly/3jDvRJV. https://portico.thebigknow.com/home/audio-series/portico-being-here/overview.
CONVERSATION: CLNE–Come Together for Racial Justice
February 16th – 7:00 pm (+ March 16th and April 20th) | Zoom
Looking to build relationships across boundaries? Desiring a community centered in BIPOC voices and leadership? Want to ground yourself in conversations with others committed to racial justice? If you answer yes to any (or all) of these, join us for this online conversation event.
Each month, we’ll feature one or more neighborhood-based leaders reflecting on themes like racial healing, leading in diverse contexts, asset-based community development and more. Our aim is to create a space for mutual learning and building relationships, being intentional about cultivating trust, welcome, safety, and a sense of belonging. Learn more at https://www.clne-mn.org/cometogether
VIEWING PARTY: Oyate Film, with Public Ministry
February 19th – 2:00 pm | Nativity
Nativity is hosting a film showing of Oyate (oyatefilm.com), a documentary on Standing Rock that includes conversation with producer Jen Martel. This is a community venture with representation from area churches and organizations: Lyndale UCC, Minnesota Interfaith Power and Light, Minnesota Council of Churches, Side with Love [Organization], First Congregational Church, St. Joan of Arc, Calvary Lutheran Church, Plymouth Congregational, United Seminary, and Salem Lutheran Church.
DISCUSSION: Letter from Birmingham Jail
February 23rd – 5:30 pm | New Branches, 5011 S 31st Ave., Minneapolis OR Online via Zoom and Facebook
Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative is organizing a Deep Discussion of Dr. King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail.” As we discuss our faith and our moral compass in our actions. Panelists include Beacon clergy. Doors open at 5:30 pm, with panel discussion 6:00-7:00 pm.