Family Faith Formation – Aug 1 & 2
Holy Moly! David & Goliath
Join us each week as a family to have fun together with some of God’s great stories. In August we’re diving into stories of the super heroes of the Bible!
Start by picking a welcome video from Miss Leah or Miss Renee
Worship Together
Make the sign of the cross (Touch forehead, then heart. Touch one shoulder, then the other.) As you make the cross say, “Love God, Love Neighbor”
- If you are able, light a candle to remind yourselves that Jesus is the light of the world. Jesus is with you, and Jesus is in you. Let your light shine!
How will you make an offering today?
School Age: Thank You, God: Name three things you are thankful for today.
Littles: Jesus Loves Me Camp Version again!
Jesus loves me this I know
For the Bible tells me so
Little ones to Him belong
They are weak but He is strong
Sha na na na na na na Whoo x4
God chooses you and me
No matter what size we may be
He helps us do good every hour
Because God’s love is our super power
Holy Moly! Family Movie Time
Sharing and Discussion
What is an underdog? Do you know any stories about underdogs (maybe a sports team or an unlikely hero in a book or movie)?
Why was David an unlikely hero? Would you be afraid of Goliath?
David uses a small rock to solve a GIANT problem. What are some other BIG problems that can be solved with something small? We thought of a small key to get into a BIG door.
Our story teaches us that when we are faced with GIANT problems, that something as small as remembering that God is there with us can help us face those GIANTS. God doesn’t always “poof” magically make the problem away, but He gives us courage to face it head on. Nothing ever seems quite as scary or difficult when you have someone there with you, and that’s what God promises.
Read the Bible Together
School Age Kids: 1 Samuel 17:37-40, 48-49
In the selected verses, Goliath is referred to as “the Philistine.”
Littles: Spark Story Bible page 130, Frolic Preschool Bible page 34 & even in Frolic First Bible!
Digging deeper:
Now imagine Goliath isn’t a giant, just a giant problem. What problems are you facing? Do you trust God to help you with your problem? Do you see your problem as an obstacle that can’t be overcome? Or is the problem an opportunity to learn, grow or do something differently?
Family Activities
Painting Rocks: Using the materials in your Faith Formation kit, paint a rock with the word “faith.” You could also use “trust” or just make your designs! (See picture below)
Make a slingshot: Use something stretchy (rubber band, t-shirt, or leggings), to see how far you can shoot something soft (cotton or a marshmallow).
Water Balloon Prayer: Make some water balloons, hold one in your hand and imagine one of your GIANT problems right now (perhaps going back to school or being scared of getting sick). Then pray “God, I trust you to be with me when I face my BIG problem.” Then as your “amen” to the prayer, launch the water balloon with your slingshot (or throw) and watch is splash just like having God with up splashes our fears away.
Click HERE more Family Activities and Coloring Pages!
Pray Together
Pray: Try our Lord’s Prayer with Car Actions we used at Drive in Worship!
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name: Turn on Headlights
Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in heaven: Turn on Dome Lights
Give us today our daily bread: Turn on Hazard Lights
Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us: Squirt Washer Fluid
Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil: Buckle Your Seatbelt
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are Yours, now and forever: Turn On Air On High
Amen: Honk Horn
Bless Each Other
Splash each other with water balloon and say “God splashes fear away!”