Fall Family Faith Formation – Sept 26
Join us each week as a family to celebrate the fun of fall with some of the BIG stories of the Bible!
Pick from watching our Welcome Videos, Worship Together, Reading the Bible, Talk About It, Family Activities, Pray Together and Bless Each Other – or do them all!
Welcome Videos
Start with a Welcome Video from Miss Karla
Worship Together
Share in some faith practices of worship together!
Shine a Light: Turn on a lamp or flick on a light switch and say “Let there be light! And God said it was good!”
Sing Together: “My God is so great, so strong and so mighty there’s nothing my God cannot do!
The mountains are his, the rivers are his, the stars are his handiwork too. My God is so great, so strong and so mighty there’s nothing my God cannot do!
Make an Offering: How can you be an offering this week?
Read the Bible Together
Read this week’s God’s Great Story in the children’s Bible for you child’s age.
Spark Story Bible “Isaac’s Blessing” pg 46
Genesis 27:1-29
Talk About It!
Have fun asking question for all your family members!
Last week’s story was about God keeping his promise and surprising Abraham and Sarah with a baby when they were super old, 90 and 99! That baby was Isaac. Today’s story is about Isaac’s and Rebekah’s sons, Esau and Jacob. Even though they were twins, Esau was considered the oldest because he was born first. The bible says the boys were fighting even before they were born! Do you ever fight with your siblings?
This story is complicated because Jacob tricked his father and stole Esau’s blessing. Usually, we say that it is bad to lie or trick people. God did want Jacob to be the leader of his people, but he didn’t ask Rebekah or Jacob to lie or steal. Do you think there was a better way? Jacob had many troubles in his life after that, but he kept his faith in God, and God forgave him. Esau was very angry at first, but later he also forgave Jacob and they were friends. Can you think of a time when you experienced the special gift of forgiveness?
Dig Deeper: Jacob is part of a very long and important story in the Bible. Once he had a strange dream about stairs going up to heaven that had angels going up and down and God spoke to him, (Gen. 28:11). Another time, he wrestled with a mysterious stranger all night, (Gen. 32:22) and even though it hurt his hip, he ended up with a special blessing and God gave him a new name, Israel. That is why we still have a country called Israel. That nation was started by Jacob and his twelve sons. (One of them was Joseph with the special, colorful coat!)
Family Activity Choices
Pick activities to do together! Supplies are provided in our Monthly At-Home Kits you picked up at our drive thru events or ask to have delivered to your home.
Activity: Blind Test! Jacob tricked his blind father by putting on his brother’s clothes and making his arms have more hair like his brother. If your eyes are closed, can you tell who each member of your family is just by touching their arm?
Activity: Repentance Turn! Have fun racing some toy cars/vehicles. Then, (without using a track), see if anyone can get their car to do a turn AFTER you let it go. Not an easy trick, is it? Sometimes help is needed to go in a new direction. People are like that too, but God is always willing to help us turn away from sin and make better choices!
Pray Together
“Dear God, thank you for reminding us that we don’t always understand your plan. Help us to have faith in you and show forgiveness when we make mistakes. Amen.“
Bless Each Other
At the end of your time, give each other a special blessing to remember one of God’s promises.
Give each other a hug and say or say to each other “Be loved, be kind, be you!”