Fall Family Faith Formation – Oct 9
Join us each week to explore and experience God’s Great Stories!
Pick from watching our Welcome Videos, Worship Together, Reading the Bible, Talk About It, Family Activities, Pray Together and Bless Each Other – or do them all!
Welcome Video
Worship Together
Share in some faith practices of worship together!
Shine a Light: Turn on a book light or reading lamp and say, “Jesus is the light of the world!”
Giving Thanks: Sing or say: It’s good to give thanks to the Lord, It’s good to give thanks to the Lord, It’s good to give thanks, It’s good to give thanks, It’s good to give thanks to the Lord!
Offering: How can you make an offering today?
Read the Bible Together
Frolic Bible Moses and the Exodus / Spark Story Bible The Ten Commandment
Exodus 19:3-7; 20:1-17
Talk About It!
Do you like rules? Can you think of some rules that you have to follow throughout the day? Pick one and think about who made that rule and why. When you think about it long enough you realize it comes from love. All rules come from love to keep you happy, healthy and safe.
In our story today God gives Moses a list of rules. They are know as the 10 Commandment (commandment means rule.) When you read them as rules it feels a little strict. But when you read them as ways we can love one another it seems pretty simple. Trust God, speak kindly & truthfully, appreciate what you have, appreciate the leading of your grown ups, and (my personal favorite) take rests. As simple as: love God and love others.
And what I really love about this list of “rules” is that they are God’s rules too. He will always be there for you, he will protect your family and always treat you kindly. So look at the list, and talk about one way you love others and see where it fits. Then talk about one way God loves you and see where it fits. When you look at it that way, you see why this is such a special part of the Bible.
Digging Deeper (great topics for Upper Elementary): The wildest part of this story for me is God actually writing on the tablets. What did that look like? Did a hand appear, did a chisel float down for the sky? Got any ideas? Take a look at the 1956 Ten Commandments movie and see how they imagined it (it’s ok to snicker…) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQRjp_62uj0
Family Activity Choices
Pick activities to do together!
Activity 1: Parting the Waters Set your Bible on the top of a hill or staircase, you can even hide it to make it more fun, then take turns walking it down dramatically open to the page of the 10 Commandments (pg 98 in Spark Story Bible). You can even play dramatic music during it! Then sit and pick on commandment to talk about how it’s about love.
OR Activity 2: Leaf Heart Read the list of commandments outside and for each one pick a leaf. Then glue the leaves in the shape of a heart on a piece of paper to remind you each “rule” is a beautiful, different way to share love.
Activity 3 (for little littles): Rules Game Play a game of Simons Says, but use your own names
Pray Together
“Dear God, thank you for loving us and helping us to love others, what a wonderful way to live together! I love you God! Amen“
Bless Each Other
At the end of your time, give each other a special blessing to remember one of God’s promises.
Hold up 1 finger at a time and say “I love you times 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10!”