Super Hero Healers!
Join Miss Renee as we celebrate that with God’s love we can be Super Hero Healers!
Music Time
Sing “Hello Hello”
“Walking and Leaping and Praising God”
“Joy of the Lord”
Story Time
Read “Peter Heals” in the Spark Story Bible on page 404
Story Playtime!
Peter was able to make people feel better by sharing God’s love. You can too! Talk about what special “super powers” everyone in your family has that helps people feel better. Talk about ways you can use your “super powers” in your house and sending out into the world during these strange times. Check out the Advocacy At Home activities for ideas.
Click HERE to download color & activity sheets!
Families with Babies & Toddlers
We’ve run out of stories in the Frolic Bible for the year, so enjoy one of our Frolic Story Books and activities about God’s Wonderful Wold in honor of Earth Day this week.
Click HERE to download color & activity sheets!
Pray Together
“Dear God
Thanks for giving me a smile to cheer people up
Arms to hug to warm peoples hearts
and hands to help when people are in need
I love you God
Bless Each Other
Put a bandaid onto each other
Say “You are a Super Hero Healer”