Palm Sunday – April 05
A Quick Note & Overview
Over the next two weeks, we will be collaborating with the other faith formation programs to bring you the best Palm Sunday and Easter experience!
HI’s & LOW’s
Leah Lead’s us in sharing Hi’s and Low’s. Let’s also wish her a very special Happy Birthday!
Discussion & or Journaling this Week
When I was growing up, I remember Palm Sunday in a big way. My Mom grew up Catholic and became a Lutheran after she married my father and we still practiced some of her traditions.
On Palm Sunday, we would get our Palms and waive them and shout Hosanna, Hosanna. Then, we would get them blessed in Holy Water and keep them over our bed for 2 weeks. We imagined that they would bless us, keep us safe, and capture our prayers each night.
Questions: What are some traditions you and your family have? What makes them special? What type of new traditions can we create in these times to make us feel special and loved?
Thanks for sharing! (Kyle)
Palm Sunday, Holy Week & Easter ~ Activity & Scripture
Palm Sunday is the start of Holy Week, were remember Jesus triumphal entry to Jerusalem, having Passover with His friends (called the Last Supper), being arrested, dying on the cross, and then 3 days later rising again! So we wanted to give your family some suggestions how to celebrate these most holy of days by making a Holy Week Bingo Card. Pick a few or do them all, whatever works for you! You can start today by reading the Palm Sunday story in Mark 11:1-11
Click HERE to download Nativity Holy Week Bingo!
Click HERE to check out Advocacy At Home For Families Activities!
Pray & Reflect Together
This week, create your own prayer. Include 1 thing you are grateful for, 1 thing you love, and 1 thing you want to try. Thank God for all the ways we can Learn, Grow, & Love in these odd times.
Do you have a kids Bible?
We’d be happy to send one to your house!
We have middle school aged Adventure Bibles available.
Email me if you are interestedWondering how to talk about scary things like the pandemic with your kids?
Here’s a great article about the facts and child psychologyHere a great article about faith in scary times
Again, feel free to contact me with any question or just a listening ear.
Kyle’s cell is 612.388.7135Deuteronomy 6, 5-7: “5 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”
Kyle Soderberg & Leah McDougall
Club 56 Youth Leaders