The Promise
The Covenant
Our journey together this year is exploring God’s Big Story in the Old Testament! Last unit, we looked at the Beginning stories in the first part of Genesis, now we are headed to the second part of Genesis where we learn about some of the first leaders and families in the Bible.
It is encouraged that families watch the videos, read the texts, reflect on the summaries, respond to the questions and pray together. However, Club 56 participants can also do this on their own- you might need a journal for journaling some thoughts!
Introduction Video
Watch a quick review of past weeks and an introduction to this week from Leah.
Connect Video
Get a taste of this week’s theme by watching this video!
Connect is a curriculum from SPARK that is specifically designed for 5th and 6th graders.
Read, Reflect & Respond
Take some time to dig in deep to the Bible! Watch the video if you would like a deeper explanation of the following texts.
Need a Bible? Contact Leah M!
Read the Text: Genesis 17:1-8
After you read, draw a rope knot as best as you can at the beginning of this text to help us this is the story where we God promises to stay “tied” to us forever!
Reflect on the Summary:
“We are recipients of God’s love, but not because we earn it. This is abundantly clear in this story of God coming to a childless, elderly couple and making a seemingly ridiculous promise that they would become the ancestors of countless offspring. God initiated this everlasting covenant with humanity—not the other way around. Although Abraham and Sarah were the first to benefit, the covenant wasn’t just for them—it was for all people. The promise of land and a multitude of descendants was a big deal at the time, because owning land and having descendants was how people lived on after death. Still, that paled in comparison to the most significant covenant promise—God’s promise in Genesis 17:8 that “I will be their God.” This promise is the foundation of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, because it established the relationship between God and God’s people. The covenant is a sign that we are loved, even though we probably don’t deserve it. Despite our sin and rebellion, God is active in our lives through promise and presence. God did tell Abraham to “be blameless.” Spoiler alert: Abraham did not stay blameless. And yet the promise of the covenant remained. God is faithful even when we are not.”
Respond to the Questions:
- What do you think Abraham and Sarah thought when God explained the promises of the covenant?
- How hard is it for you to keep a promise? What’s the longest you’ve ever kept a promise?
Want to explore more texts? Pick one (or both) of the texts below!
Read the Text #2: Genesis 15:5-6
After you read, draw a heart and write God’s love next to this text to help us remember that God nurtures and takes care of God’s people!
Reflect on the Summary:
“In the ancient world, a woman’s value was traditionally defined by her ability to provide heirs. A man’s worth was counted in descendants and land. Family legacy was passed on through a firstborn son. Old and childless, Abram and Sarai arranged for a servant to serve as heir. But God promised Abram and Sarai would have countless descendants. It seemed impossible, but Abram believed.”
Respond to the Questions:
- When have you believed something that seemed almost impossible?
What reminds you of God’s promises?
How do you feel about God when you look up at the stars?
Read the Text #3: Luke 12:15-21
As you read, underline spots where you think humans were more interested in themselves than God.
Reflect on the Summary:
“Writing to the church in Rome, Paul corrected the idea that only Jews are eligible for God’s covenant. Non-Jews (Gentiles) could be a part of the covenant even though they were not descended from Abraham and Sarah. The covenant should never be a dividing line for who is “in” and who is “out.” The covenant is a gift from God and is not earned by us.”
Respond to the Questions:
- How would you respond to the statement “Only certain people deserve God’s covenants.”? What Bible verses or understandings of God would you use in your argument?
Remember (Club 56 Binder)
Our Club 56 Binders are for taking notes and helping us remember details in God’s Big Story!
Need a binder? Contact Leah M.
Get out your Club 56 Binder and find the green page with the knotted rope (labeled The Covenant). Find the paragraph about why we are using a knotted rope as a symbol to remember this story and read about it!
On or around the rope, write important key words, people, events or notes that you want to remember about the Covenant story.
Need help? Revisit the texts we explored today or read the paragraph at the bottom of the paper.
Find the Word Search that was given to you in your recent Club 56 kits and do it!
These are common names and words that we will hear over and over again, let’s learn them!
“God of Promise,
Thank you for following through on your promises and continue to remind us just how much you love us. Thank you for your forgiveness and openness to love all people!
In your name,
Quoted texts are revised from:
Connect Leader Guide. Unit 1—Beginnings: Tower of Babel. © 2013 sparkhouse. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced for local use only provided each copy carries this notice.